Houston, we have a problem! Dog help please!!

When I met my husband he had a GSD. When we got married the dog was several years old (maybe 3). She ended up being my pal as well as his. I just spent a lot of time with her.
Took her on walks and and played with her.
So I don't think a dog has to have just one "master".
Just take your time. And as everyone said, DH needs to spend quality time with Ajax.
Maybe your hubby needs to give him the occasional tiny bit of hot dog?

Of course, you could always go and get a 2nd dog
This is an "old indian" trick! I know about such things because I'm part "old indian"! I did this with my girlfriends nonsense, bonded with the little dog right off and now she thinks I'm Mr. Wonderfull(she is a teacher and is trying to domesticate me! Not sure how that will work out!)
Old Indian Dog Trick!
1. Sit on something with the dog facing away from you!
2. Pet him, start rubbing his throat! Get him relaxed then gently tilt his head back, Open his mouth, and spit a big one down his throat!
3. Then close his mouth with one hand and keep rubbing his throat with the other! All the time your talking to him in a soft voice! He will be yours from then own!
It don't work on women! I got my butt kicked every time I tried it with a Lady!!!
We got our first GSD because of DH too. He was the one who wanted the dog. But then he got stationed away from me. I was in school, so I didn't move right away. I was in Ohio and he was in Virginia. Of course, the puppy bonded with me. DH only came home once a month. But when he came home, it was all about puppy time. At one point when he left to go back to Virginia, our GSD sat by the front window for 2 days waiting for him to come back. It was very sad, but cute. So it really isn't about quanity of time, but more the quality of time he would spend with your puppy.

I saw someone suggested puppy school. Great idea. Plus all the fun, fetch, rough-housing etc that puppies love to do. That can be DH's job as well.
Problem is, closest puppy classes are an hour away, but we're looking into them.
I recall seeing a business card for a professional trainer at the vet's office. We're headed there Friday, so going to check that out too.
He's loving all the attention he's getting from Dad, but if I get up and move he forgets Dad and follows me.
Interesting moment last night. Dad went to the kitchen and called Jax to come in there. Jax looked at me and only went when I nodded my head. Hope my DH didn't see that.
Doesn't matter if there is no class nearby. Lots of good books out there. The Natural Way to Train Your Dog by Carol Lea Benjamin is a good starter.

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