I Miss Old BYC!!!

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I use Chrome and it is still kinda slow.
I get the choppy scrolling too - and I am on chrome.

I am not downloading a different browser for just the website. I used to have BYC as one of 4 homepages when I connected to the internet, but I think I will change that. I don't like the new version- I can't find "my posts" -not the posts that I have made necessarily but the threads I am posting on. I was active in some threads and before I would just go to recent posts at the bottom and find my threads that I was following. I don't like subscribing because I don't like getting an email when people reply.

I find it funny that BYC is not in the dictionary...
I gotta just say that I'm one of those anal retentive people that hate change. I hated it with FB, but I got used to it--grudgingly. I hate that I get that way, but as with anything else, I will eventually embrace it.

Agreed, or like when MS Word changed their layout. Everything I use is here (and more!), but laid out differently or changed in name. After my initial disappointment I realized that I hadn't really given the relaunch an honest try. Now I am. Like you, I imagine that after a while I will have come to the point where I embrace the change.

After reading some of the recent threads posted by the admins and mods, I have a better appreciation of why the change had to happen. Thank you to all of the admins, mods and engineers who have dedicated their time, effort, energy and patience to the transition.
I get the choppy scrolling too - and I am on chrome.

I am not downloading a different browser for just the website. I used to have BYC as one of 4 homepages when I connected to the internet, but I think I will change that. I don't like the new version- I can't find "my posts" -not the posts that I have made necessarily but the threads I am posting on. I was active in some threads and before I would just go to recent posts at the bottom and find my threads that I was following. I don't like subscribing because I don't like getting an email when people reply.

I find it funny that BYC is not in the dictionary...

Have you tried clicking on NEW POSTS and then going to my posts or going to your profile and scrolling down? Those are two of the easiest ways to get what you want. You don't need to subscribe and if you do there are many options there that do not include 10,000 emails a day.
i am still getting the kinks out but i liked the old one better too.why couldn't we have just added on to the BYC house and not moved to a new town.like someone else said,most of us live in the country and only get on the computer to get to BYC.alot of my friends have said they just won't bother trying it now.

maybe we need 2 BYCs-the old BYC country and a new BYC city.

please find away to bring the auction format back.this proxy bidding is hard to keep up with.

is there anyway to keep an eye on the old members to find out who stays and who leaves.would hate to lose all their expert advice.i don't want this to end up being like facebook.

we need a poll-like/not like.
Have you tried clicking on NEW POSTS and then going to my posts or going to your profile and scrolling down? Those are two of the easiest ways to get what you want. You don't need to subscribe and if you do there are many options there that do not include 10,000 emails a day.

I have tried that but it is so many steps as in before it was just one click away - now it is several clicks and threads that I haven't posted on in 6 months are at the top and threads that I am active in are way at the bottom. It is ridiculous. I have to click MORE MORE MORE at the profile part. and when I go to the I've posted part I don't want to go to MY LAST POST I want to go to the NEW POSTS since I have read (like before) I can't ever remember what page each thread is on, and I am not keeping track. I just don't think this new layout is for me.

The other was so much easier. I give up.
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