JANUARY 2015 Hatch-A-Long

Trader Joe eggs?????
Yep. There's a whole thread on BYC "Trader Joe's Hatching Club - Are you a member?" of folks that have bought the fertile eggs at Trader Joe's and hatched out chicks. At $2.99/doz it's a GREAT deal for hatching eggs. Their fertility seems to have improved lately, too.
Here's one of my September HAL chicks from a TJ's egg. She's gotten bigger now. Not flighty at all (unlike some production whites) and likes to zoom up to my shoulder.

The other eggs should all be fine. They're alive and I'm waiting patiently for them to do their thing. One has a bad saddle shaped air cell, I won't be surprised if I have to help them too, but as far as I could tell during candling the others should be fine. Here's hoping no one else has a surprise!
Do you hatch upright in a cut-down carton? That really helps with those wonky air cell shipped eggs.
Other stores with fertile eggs include Winco and Whole Foods. Check the Julian date on the carton -- the 3 digit code for day of the year which is the packing date, NOT the expiration date -- and get the one that's the highest. Sometimes if you sweet talk the clerk they can find you something fresher in the back as often they wait until inventory out on the shelves dwindles before putting new stuff on. Aim for under 5 days difference in current date and Julian, although folks have hatched chicks from over 10 days old eggs.
yes good. I know some times you do nothing and it is too late. Sometimes I just help with the outer pip if they need it. if they can be shipped anywhere 3 days after hatching, they can sit in an egg, as long as there is moisture, for a while.

this is for herb girl.
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I got my eggs! Yay. I only requested 18 and the guy gave me 23. I'm so excited. He wasn't positive what all of them are but that's ok with me.


He didn't know what all of them were but that's ok with me.
So I have 23 total
3 are either silkie or polish
1 ameraucana
1 California white
1 leghorn
2 Sicilian buttercups
3 black sex links
And 3 buckeye? I'm not sure what that is so I'll have to Google it

The other 9 I have no idea so it will be fun to see what they are.
he said 2 of the eggs got a bit cold so I hope that doesn't affect them developing. And he's not positive all of them are fertile, I think that's why he gave me extras. But that's ok if they aren't all fertile. $5 for 23 eggs is good to me.

I'm making sure my incubator is holding temp and humidity and then I'll be putting them in it tomorrow morning!
I got my eggs! Yay. I only requested 18 and the guy gave me 23. I'm so excited. He wasn't positive what all of them are but that's ok with me.

He didn't know what all of them were but that's ok with me.
So I have 23 total
3 are either silkie or polish
1 ameraucana
1 California white
1 leghorn
2 Sicilian buttercups
3 black sex links
And 3 buckeye? I'm not sure what that is so I'll have to Google it

The other 9 I have no idea so it will be fun to see what they are.
he said 2 of the eggs got a bit cold so I hope that doesn't affect them developing. And he's not positive all of them are fertile, I think that's why he gave me extras. But that's ok if they aren't all fertile. $5 for 23 eggs is good to me.

I'm making sure my incubator is holding temp and humidity and then I'll be putting them in it tomorrow morning!
Aweosme!! Should i put you on the members list??
Do you hatch upright in a cut-down carton? That really helps with those wonky air cell shipped eggs.

I did at my last hatch, but not this time. They're in a mini advance, which does all its working sideways. I'd have turned them fat side up at lockdown if I actually had a carton.. but we never buy eggs! I'm actually allergic to them, if you can believe it
I win-I am allergic to garlic.

Oh wait- you are allergic to eggs- I thought you meant the cartons! I am sorry!
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