Just In Time Hatching Egg AUCTION and BIN Thread

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Is this thread still active?
I have a BIN of exactly 7 Golden Cuckoo Marans eggs that can ship tomorrow 6/13/17 along with any eggs I get from that pen before ship time. $30 Including double boxed shipping. Picture is exact eggs to be shipped with a leghorn egg added just to show color. This color variety is still a work in progress so egg color isn't as dark as say, BCM.
So will they not let you sell or ship eggs right now. I think every state is different. I bought eggs off of you in the past and it was great.
It's postal restrictions because of Newcastle disease. It's not near me and no new cases have been found in awhile. Restrictions on bird and egg movement will probably be lifted in June. As with most things now, it has become a political mess.
Thank you for the kind words :)
It's postal restrictions because of Newcastle disease. It's not near me and no new cases have been found in awhile. Restrictions on bird and egg movement will probably be lifted in June. As with most things now, it has become a political mess.
Thank you for the kind words :)
I hope we are through with newcastle disease by then! At least one quarantine will be over
I understand it is necessary to have rules and this rule is to prevent users from going to other sites to post for sale it is made to get everyone to post at this site to sell. The problem lies in how many posts there has to be to posted to sell at this site. That causes people to come to this site and jerk the chain and bait the serious into dialog and they the serious minded goated into dialog of no end! All to get their numbers bumped. That is just a circle of problems.

Friendly and supportive dialog on your local where am I where are you thread , admiring pictures, or helping people with sexing works better and faster then stirring drama. Getting posts on byc is easy !
BIN - exacctly 6 Ayam Cemani eggs $120 includes shipping

My line is still a work in progress with high cull rates. Last weekend I sorted 16 juveniles and only 3 were good enough to keep any longer. Things I culled for were pink mouths/tongues, greenish legs, pink starting to show in comb/wattles, or feather color leakage. 3 of 16 is an 81% cull rate. I expect the final cull rate before any are put into breeding pens to be 95% or more. Last year I kept less than 10% of my grow outs. This year's birds are much better than last year's, but I'm being even more critical about which ones to keep. My standards are high and so are my cull rates. Other breeders have reported culling 80%-97%.

If you buy these eggs you accept that chicks from these eggs won't be perfect. These can give you a start if you're willing to work on them or if you just like pretty yard art and aren't too concerned about the faults. You will definitley get some culls from these eggs, but you also have a chance to get some awesome FM birds, too, about an 18% chance for a good one based on my first round of assessments. I'll update these statistics as I grow out and assess more birds.

Why am I telling you all this instead of just showing some pretty pictures? Because I don't want you to have any illusions about what you are buying. This breed needs a lot of work. It is not for the faint of heart. It is not for those expecting perfection in every chick hatched. And I don't want anyone accusing me of behing dishonest. This is what I've got.

I have three breeding pens set up:
Blue Pen - TM roo over TM hen (a pair)
Red Pen - GFF/TM roo over TM hen (a pair)
Green Pen - GFF roo over three TM hens (a quad)

You will get eggs from all pens. I set eggs every Saturday. If not sold these will be set for myself on Saturday. Only the most recent/freshest six eggs will be shipped. DH collects eggs for me and I don't have him trained yet to mark which pen eggs are coming from. I'm working on that.

I'll upload some pictures here when I get home tonight. Or you can view pictures on my FB personal page (Candace Waldon) or my FB poultry page (Tar Babies Poultry).

Offer is valid through Wednesday night 2/11/2015. I will not ship eggs after Thursday.

Feel free to posts questions. If you have a question, someone else probably has the same question.

Thanks for looking.

Kudos to @cjwaldon
These arrived extremely well packed. They are now ALL hatched out! 116 % hatch rate (she sent me an extra)
If anyone gets a chance to buy some eggs on here from jerryse, I have 13 of his black and splash ameracauna eggs in lockdown. I only had 1 very early quitter. They were excellently packaged and it shows. The outer box took a beating in shipping.

Couldn't find a chat thread for this auction thread but I felt he deserved a shout out and kudos
I know the topics over but i thibk you guys are over thinking the time thing. I mean I know it stinks to lose and sure TECHNICALLY it ended then but it's also,still that time until it hits the new time. Think of it this way, if somebody asks you what time it is you are going to tell them it is 5:15 not 5:15 and 30 milliseconds. And if you have a meeting at 5, you're boss isn't going to pull out his stopwatch and tell you are 30 milliseconds late. Therefore when they say something ends at a time they mean usually anywhere in that time since in real life that's how most people usually do it. Unless you're a scientist or in Nascar or the Olympics or something the milliseconds aren't relevant to most people. Just my take on it

Anyhow, I hope to hatch eggs some day so maybe later this year or next year i can bid on something :)
Can any further discussion on this topic go onto the chat thread. A question has been asked and answered so there is no need for any further arguments here or 'feather ruffling'.

Let's go back to the auctions :)

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