I got through last winter and two summers with these waterers, which might be part of the problem...maybe they were sun and cold damaged too. Boo.

I don't have time to run out several times a day, so I water twice a day, let everyone have their fill and when it freezes, it freezes.
We use the rubber bowls too. So much easier. I use them all year long. I stopped using the red waterers. Too much of a problem to clean and refill.
The red waterers are a pain. Mostly, I use the galvanized water fonts for my chickens. Since I have run power out to two coops I use water font heaters. So even with these cold temps, I have not had frozen water to contend with. In my smaller coop, I use the FI water font with an internal heater. It is a piece of junk but it does work.
So, my son gets off the school bus crying today. I asked him what was the matter. He said that the kids on the bus were laughing at his chickens. He was so upset. The cure, we got some mill worms and sat on the porch and feed our chickens some treats. I explained to him that sometimes kids are mean because they wish they had what you had or just don't understand how cool the things you have are.

"Dad we have cool chickens," he said.

"Yes we do little man. Our chickens are pretty cool."

P.S. I've only refreshed water 5 times today, but it appears we've made it through the worst of it!

It was 6 with a windchill of -13 when I first went out this morning!

You know what... tell him to ask these kids if their pets make them breakfast. Because I will tell you what, no cat or dog comes close to a pet that can provide a meal AND be so much entertainment. He has it so good, he will realize that eventually when he is not starving and begging for handouts because he knows what hard work gets him.

Even my heated waterer has had a hard time keeping up with 13 below. Brrrrr. Stay warm!
I'm going to replace my waterers today. With what, I don't know...I have a galvanized one I am not fond of, and the ducks swim in the rubber pans if they have access to them. I could probably use small pans in the bantam runs and get a new waterer for the free rangers so the ducks don't swim in it.

It's supposed to be above freezing tomorrow!!
50 degrees on saturday! Who else is going to get outside and get some work done? I know I am going to be working on a run for my chickens and cleaning the coops!!
I'll be at work, but otherwise, if I wasn't working, I'd be seeing what, if anything, I could get done. But there is supposed to be a couple warmish days next week too....hoping to get some stuff done in the garden and horse yard.
So I wanted to update on the feed I am trying out: Blue Seal Multi Flock. I absolutely love it. I just picked up 6 more bags on Wednesday and they were just milled that day. Can't get any fresher then that. Love the price as well and so far a great feed.
So I wanted to update on the feed I am trying out: Blue Seal Multi Flock. I absolutely love it. I just picked up 6 more bags on Wednesday and they were just milled that day. Can't get any fresher then that. Love the price as well and so far a great feed.

What prices did you get and where did you get this feed from? I hope there may be some closer to Virginia but I may have to look at volume purchasing. Prices are just high on feed.

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