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Had almost 6.5 hours of rain today, maybe a bit over half and inch It ended around 4:15 pm. we really needed it but I don't think the predicted high of 86 is going to happen. It stayed in the mid 50s while raining, but the sun did come out and it has managed to hit 67 since then. Sure smells nice out there. The ducklings seem to be enjoying the wet grass. My 7 week old chickens managed to stay dry, Yesterday they figured out they could go into the hutch/coop on their own. Only had to pick one up off the ledge last night and put him to bed. As they seem pretty dry I have to assume they walked up the ramps and got inside pretty quickly. Dang but I wish they were older so I could get some fresh eggs again! In the meantime, a guinea keet pic!

Ignorance is a temporary condition that is easily corrected with education. Stupidity is a permanent state that is willfully entered by the ignorant that choose not to be educated.
Ignorance is a temporary condition that is easily corrected with education. Stupidity is a permanent state that is willfully entered by the ignorant that choose not to be educated.
OH OH OH! I know people like that! I am related to several!

Hey, speak of the devil, theres York! Hi YORK!

All righty then... I went out, snapped some mugs...

What color am I?
Here is my wing...
Roger getting his crow on.
Roger standing guard. He's a good papa roo.
This one is for CG... Look at my pretty partrige back there... And my dotts too.
Would you look at that expression! She thought Hawk was getting something. I had my fingers bit several times while taking pictures. Hawk is up close, then the black with funky looking butts... Well its two there... Eldee is in back, and Esdee, and I haven't named the fuzzy butt on the left yet. She's looks like Hawk at first glance, but then you look at her cheeks. She doesn't have them.

I am thinking, bbq... He's pretty though. AND BIG! He is taller and broader than Mr. Fluffers. He is a mutt... He'd be free to any one who just wants a roo for their girls, and not so big on the pure lines. BUT HE IS NOT FREE FOR DINNER.
What am I? She is the only one I have that looks like this...
And last, but not least... Orange and Pekin...

I had about 40 pics all together, but these were the only ones that I wanted to share.
Sounds like you are close to where my older sister lives in Alanson. Wow that's a lot of chickens. I have 16 red/black pullets and 2 plymouth rocks, then added 2 white ducks. They are very entertaining for all of us, my husband has even started to enjoy them more. Have a great Memorial Day!
Welcome to the Michigan Thread 3963Jem! You might want to add where you are located!
I still continue to be amazed with the fact that people will name chickens. I guess it is a reflection of my upbringing in which the only name ever attached to a chicken was fried. Once I moved away from home I have expanded my vocabulary to included names liked baked, broiled, and grilled. Occasionly my mother would allow our chickens to have playmates; they were called dumplings. I'm pretty sure old Harlan only called his chickens the same thing.
Nah Jem, they are only about a month old. They are Pekin Ducks... in about another few weeks, they'd be ready for the table... Or not... not sure yet. LOL Welcome to the thread.

Nancy, my sister is out of the hospital. She has two tubes coming out of her stomach to keep the bile drained while her liver heals where the surgeon nicked it taking out her gall bladder. I know... The surgeon who corrected the "OOPSY" and sewed up the bile duct leak and the blood leak was not the same one who did the initial removal. She ended up back in again 2 days after that, because there was fluid build up in her stomach cavity pushing against the diaphram, and that is when they found the liver had been nicked as well during the gall bladder removal, which is near impossible to do, and he said that he fix the liver too, but it would require a full cavity opening to get to it, or she could just let it heal on its own while they continue to drain the bile from the cavity. So, she is going the drainage route... So much for a routine gall bladder removal.
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