My leukemia's back.

We got an offer! I'm amazed, I didn't think they liked the place that much. But hey, whatever......

It's too low, so we'll counter. But the agent said everything else looks good. Going to look at a place tonight  :fl

That's awesome! And happy house hunting! Step daughter lives in Northern Indiana. They just put their house on the market last week. It sold. Above asking price. Now she is scrambling to pack & find a place. Better than paying 2 mortgages though.

We have a township dump day today. Only happens once a year. Never thought I'd be so excited about garbage day! Lol! The trash collectors here will not take certain items...mattresses, couches, refrigerators, tires, etc. If I go thru a company that does, they charge usually an extra $100 or so because of having to send an extra crew member. And if your tossing out furniture or mattresses, they have to be covered with plastic-which also costs more. When I asked why the mattress & box spring had to be covered, the garbage company said to avoid bed bugs breeding at the dump. ?????? I would think they would have some sort of plan in place for that, and that the bugs could find a crevice somewhere to get into that mattress, but what do I know? Today I am happily throwing out our dilapidated couch, a mattress, box spring, old shelving unit, old refrig, and more. :weee. Yes, I am excited!

You all have a great weekend!
I almost forgot, tonight is The Annual Road Kill Party! I'll let you know how it goes. I've already got my chili in the crockpot. :D
We got an offer! I'm amazed, I didn't think they liked the place that much. But hey, whatever......

It's too low, so we'll counter. But the agent said everything else looks good. Going to look at a place tonight
Outpost---this is why I love this thread. Where else can you find folks who understand how excited you are about Dump Day and Road Kill Dinner? But I'm right there with you. I'd love to have a Dump Day. We have so much junk we need to get rid of.....

Told the Realtor we want to stay firm on the price so far. We'll see how that goes.

Another showing today
. Pretty sure this guy was a grower, we'll see how he liked the nice sunny flat ground.

Picked up our pork today. Sugar Monkey, bless his little heart, helped me organize it and we packed 1 1/2 hogs into our little upright freezer. We also cleared out the chest freezer, got everything packed into boxes, and I found a bunch of ground beef that had gotten lost
. I really need to not buy meat for a few months. We got the deer butchered, and cooked the front shoulders low and slow last night--so tender! Shredded venison sammiches today
Well, no further word.......

Working and hauling hay today. We need to bring the horses home, and that means hay.

Went out to the hay barn yesterday evening and disturbed a bunch of rodents
. Honestly not sure if they were rats or mice, I just turned around and got the guys to to take care of them. That's exactly why I got married, and had boy kids--to kill spiders, rodents, and take care of the vehicles
. Big Boy stayed out too late, but he got 4 of the buggers. Guess I need to set up some bait/traps and secure the feed better. Ick.

How's everyone else's day going?
Hi everyone!

Rachel, your reasons for getting married and having boy children make perfect sense to me.

My day is going ok. We're in the final week of the golf course being open...I can almost taste all that me time, lol.

Hope everyone else is having a good Monday!

And in honor of it being Columbus Day...

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