New to goats

Looks similar to how he younger doe looks right now, only my doe isn't quite as fat as yours. Should I be worried about her going into labor early because of the dogs?
I wouldn't worry I had my neighbor Aussie get loss and come chase my goats 2 almost 3 weeks ago It didn't hurt any of my 7 breed goats
Well they were full on attacking them, biting and dragging them out of they're houses, not just chasing. They've been hiding in the corner ever since.
Here's the backside of the young one
If she aborts you will see blood on her tail. Being chased by dogs can definitely stress a doe enough to cause her to abort. You have really got to fix that fence if you haven't already or you are going to have dead goats.
Well there's not anything to fix. They flat jumped it, they were BIG dogs. I know who's dogs too, I'm gonna let them know it happened tomorrow. And my cousin said if they come back she's gonna shoot them. I won't do it, but if she does I'm fine with it
I have a suggestion. Get some electric poultry fencing. Look around the internet and you can find it. Use it to build a perimeter around your goat pen. It isn't all that expensive and it is easy to put up and move. Once many years ago I had a couple dogs that were determined to get in with the stock and the only reason they didn't do serious damage is because I happened to catch them right after they got in the pen. I ended up shooting them. I couldn't think what else to do. I knew that no matter how carefully I tied them up or penned them up, sooner or later someone would make a mistake and they would get loose. I've seen stock cut to ribbons by dogs. It isn't pretty.
I've been thinking about it, I'm just worried my little chihuahuas will get too close and get shocked.
My cousin was the one who caught the dogs and she said the only reason she didn't shoot was because of the buckshot or whatever she didn't want to hit a goat. But she loaded a different gun in preparation for if they come back.
It would be hard for me to stomach shooting a dog
I've been thinking about it, I'm just worried my little chihuahuas will get too close and get shocked.
My cousin was the one who caught the dogs and she said the only reason she didn't shoot was because of the buckshot or whatever she didn't want to hit a goat. But she loaded a different gun in preparation for if they come back.
It would be hard for me to stomach shooting a dog
Talk to the manufacturer of the fencing. I don't think the current is strong enough to harm your little dog. If he did get zapped, it is unlikely he would approach the fence again. Something you might think about. I don't know your situation, but those particular dogs may not be the only predators you need to be concerned about.

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