Our sweet dog Lolli had her puppies! (UPDATE PG5 NEW PICS ADDED)


11 Years
Jul 29, 2008
Eastern, Kentucky
Our sweet dog finally had her puppies. I knew she was in labor yesterday due to her Behavior. I didn't know it would be so soon I thought it would be a day or so. She had 8 puppies but for some reason one pup she did not completly clean the membrane off its face and sadly it died. It must have died somtimes after I went to sleep lastnight but she has 7 healthy puppies. 3 Solid black 1 black and tan 2 black and white and one lone brown pup.





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LOL, These pups are part Basset hound/Lhapso Apso (correct spelling?) and whatever Lolli broke out of her fence and met up with?

We already have adopters for these pups. I am adopting them out to make enough to help me get Lolli fixed.

but they are so sweet and adorable..It's gonna be real hard in 7-8 weeks to part with them
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Is there a humane society near you that might have low cost spay/neuter certificates?

I volunteer at a low cost spay neuter clinic when I can, and the need for low cost spay/neuter is overwhelming! Most of our area doesn't have access to animal control services and the small organization I volunteer for is the only resource available.

Adorable pups! I am so glad you are going to spay your girl. Too many heartbreaking stories....
I am having a problem, I am worried my dog does not have enough milk to feed her puppies. The reason I am worried is her sacs arent very large? It's been years since iv had puppies or a nursing mother. I know how to check pups/dogs for dehydration but these pups are 2 days old and they are so loosed skin and wrinkly where they are newborns I can not check properly for dehydration. Should her sacs be larger?
Some girls don't bag up much until 2 or 3 days after whelping when they start to really get in milk instead of colostrum.

Healthy puppies feel round and full, and have sleek fur. They are quiet unless they need a nipple. You can be SURE if you are weighing the puppies, but unless you are, you will have to go by these signs.

Feed your grump all she will eat. I also recommend keeping a temperature chart on her for at least a week, 10 days is better, so you can catch any infection early if it starts.

Above 102, call your vet.
Puppies seem content with mom not any unusal crying. Puppies have nice round full bellies. Iv been giving mom cooked eggs with cooked crushed egg shells finly grained (I know egg shells have as much calcuim in them as the egg inside) and milk. Will this help her build up her milk?

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