Saipan Jungle Fowl Thread

I'm planning to cross Saipan with Orloffs next year as a project breed. (size and predator intimidation my priority) I'm wondering if anyone knows a resource on genetic traits and their dominance/recessive nature? I've read articles on colors but not on muffs and beards. I'm hoping to add the trait to the Saipan stature. I want to incorporate a good egg layer also (which i've heard is carried on the male gene) but have yet to decide on which to use. Any advice or experience on what Saipans or orloffs in your flocks have produced would be helpful as it might influence what I add to enhance my strain.
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ijon, the photo does not really show the bird well. From what I can see, the legs are not long enough, the comb is wrong, and the neck is too long.
He does have a long neck. I thought this was one of the Siapans problems with choking on whole corn or whole food. He tried to be aggressive to me for a while and I would pick him up and hold him so tight he could not move. Now he takes off out the coop door when he sees me. He also went after my wife. Thank-you for your comments, I value them.
I'm planning to cross Saipan with Orloffs next year as a project breed. (size and predator intimidation my priority) I'm wondering if anyone knows a resource on genetic traits and their dominance/recessive nature? I've read articles on colors but not on muffs and beards. I'm hoping to add the trait to the Saipan stature. I want to incorporate a good egg layer also (which i've heard is carried on the male gene) but have yet to decide on which to use. Any advice or experience on what Saipans or orloffs in your flocks have produced would be helpful as it might influence what I add to enhance my strain.

My Siapan, name Sunny crossed with my Cocin the offspring is a rooster with feathers on his legs and his dads coloring.What ever I have is a very strong muscular chicken and different. I like different.
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He does have a long neck. I thought this was one of the Siapans problems with choking on whole corn or whole food. He tried to be aggressive to me for a while and I would pick him up and hold him so tight he could not move. Now he takes off out the coop door when he sees me. He also went after my wife. Thank-you for your comments, I value them.

My Siapan, name Sunny crossed with my Cocin the offspring is a rooster with feathers on his legs and his dads coloring.What ever I have is a very strong muscular chicken and different. I like different.
Picture please? Of the Saipan and his offspring.
I Got a mystery hen that turned out being a Saipan hen. Her name is Dallas and pals around with my black Sumatra hen. Dallas is funny about other people being in her pen but she is very friendly to me and lets me pet her.
This IS a very interesting breed! I purchased a couple of chicks last February from my local Ranch and Home store for $10.95 each. I didn't know much about them other than going online to find out what they looked like and how to feed and care for them. I purchased them along with 9 laying hens, a mixture of Light Brown Leghorns and Plymouth Rocks who they grew up with. As they began feathering out it wasn't a mystery that I was the lucky owner of a Saigon cockerel. And lucky I am. He's a real Romeo, and the hens all love him. He coos and woos all day. He's only 5 months old but he's very handsome, expressive, and majestic. He is very friendly to me, comes up and talks to me while I'm doing my chores and follows my chicken watching Standard Poodle and I around as long as we're around. He'll practically sit in my lap while I'm out visiting with the flock. I don't pet him but he loves to get up close and chicken eye me with his big blue eyes. From what I've read, he's probably not the purest specimen of Saigon Jungle Fowl but he's the most beautiful bird I own and the ruler of the roost out there and I love to watch him hanging out with the girls. He is bossy and aggressive to my other flock of heritage/meat chickens but they are kept separate most of the time other than when they are ranging. He ignores them for the most part when they are outside the coop unless they get right in his face.

The hen is very sweet to me too, but she has a flightier temperment than the cockerel and can be quite the aggressor to my other flock of heritage/meat birds. She keeps them out of her territory and will try to pick a fight with the biggest of hens. She loves to chase the younger chickens around. I don't blame her as she's at the bottom of the pecking order with her own flock. She's still so immature in comparison to them it seems. The other hens started laying three weeks ago, but she hasn't shown any signs of doing such. I don't expect her to until next Spring from what I've read.

I didn't purchase them with any goal in mind really. I just think they are beautiful and different so I wanted to give them a loving home and enjoy watching them enjoy life. If they have chicks, so be it. If not, so be it. I love my "little raptors", and plan on keeping them around for a long time. I've got the room and they love to roam and forage the place.

I've learned so much from this thread, thank you all for the rich information. It seems like there are not too many people who are really familiar with this breed and in my many searches I stumbled upon a site not long ago that is all about game and fighting birds where I read some rather interesting things about these and other game birds. I personally don't agree with fighting animals against each other even if it is in their nature or is an ancient sport. I think if humans want to enjoy a fighting sport then they should just get into the ring themselves or go to a boxing or wrestling match. We have a choice, animals don't.
You can take two game roosters and put them on 20 acres and when they find each other they will attempt to kill each other. Neither will give up. They do have a choice.
what should i be charging for my saipan juveniles (6 months), adults?
Could you post some pictures? Keep in mind to get a good side, front and rear photo. Someone like myself will hesitate to buy if they can't see an actual photo of the bird being sold, some others don't really care just as long as they can finally get their hands on a breed they've been wanting for some years. I have been on the lookout for good Saipans for the last 10 years. I'm looking for the old style/type that were from long ago. So if you would, I could appreciate some good clear photos.

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