sebright thread

Sure and a roosters gonna do what a rooster gonna do...


Here are a few pics I took of our Pip yesterday. Im thinking the roo is becoming more and more evident. Darn it.

Pip was not being very this is as good as I could get.
O yea!!!! my sebright chicks just came in today!!!!! I ordered 6 and they sent 9...of which 8 are alive and healthy!!!

they seem very docile/tame to me so far and are with my silkie chicks...neither shy or run away when they see me coming and they love to peck on my rings :)
so here are their 1st pictures!!!

group shot with my silkies the blue silkies are the same age as the sebrights the others are a week older

here are the lighter marked sebrights

here are the darker marked sebrights

and here are two picts of my one spotted one! he is about half and half yellow/black but he has spots on his back instead of the stripes so he is easy to tell apart!

I just LOVE LOVE LOVE them!
and will be posting more picts once they feather out some! I'm excited to be a part of the sebright club now!!!
... they are sooooo tiny........
I'm 95% sure that's a rooster, I like that shade of red on the comb! too. He's turning into a little turd too.
He keeps beating up on my new chick. He thinks my sizzle pullet is his mama and snuggles up with her, but tries to take on the Buff orpingtons and I can't leave my little polish chick out with him unsupervised. He used to be so friendly, but now he wants nothing to do with me unless I have food.
O yea!!!! my sebright chicks just came in today!!!!! I ordered 6 and they sent 9...of which 8 are alive and healthy!!!

they seem very docile/tame to me so far and are with my silkie chicks...neither shy or run away when they see me coming and they love to peck on my rings :)
so here are their 1st pictures!!!

I just LOVE LOVE LOVE them!
and will be posting more picts once they feather out some! I'm excited to be a part of the sebright club now!!!
... they are sooooo tiny........
So awesome. They are such cute little babies! Someone earlier in the thread recommended grinding up the chick feed smaller to help the tiny sebright chicks eat and thrive. Good luck, they are adorable!!!!
Oh that sucks about the rooster, maybe you should swap him in for a hen? I don't tolerate aggressive chickens in my coop but I also can't stand taking a baby from its moma...Split decision here.

I love the baby chickies too!
Oh that sucks about the rooster, maybe you should swap him in for a hen? I don't tolerate aggressive chickens in my coop but I also can't stand taking a baby from its moma...Split decision here.

I love the baby chickies too!

I know. What a turd! Right now I have my little polish chick separated with a silkie pullet so he won't hurt her. My friend wants him and wants to trade me for a modern game bantam pullet. Hmmm Hmmm Hmmm decisions decisions.
Well, him being a turd is just him being a cockerel. Also, you can't expect to just put in a new bird with him and expect them to get along like everything is all hunky-dory. How old are each of them? Age and size will matter. For some reason my first Sebright rooster that I got from Ideal (almost 4 years ago actually) doesn't like my Silkie hens. They've all grown up together since they arrived in the mail, and I haven't once seen him try to court them. I guess he prefers the bigger girls

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