sebright thread

I am wondering the same thing...

Get some needle nose pliers, (or just use your finger, that's what I do) and grab the base of the feather. Don't grab the top, grab the bottom.
If you grab the top, the feather will most likely break, and it's harder to get out. After you grab it, all you have to do is pull.
They look very nice. That is what they are supposed to look like. Interesting the differences between the American and European version.
I think yours have a darker face which is very desirable.
Thank you. He was looking very uncomfortable so I pulled out a couple feathers which had eggs around his vent. He was still looking very uncomfortable and hunched up. I had searched most of his body, but I searched a little longer and found a huge ring of eggs around his neck. Now he has a bare neck but he is much happier.
I have one Sebright, a 17-month old hen, silver, and how I love her. What a cutie-pie! She has laid only one egg this month. Is that normal? Her half-leghorn sisters have been laying every other day. I'm in Salt Lake City. It's been cold. My Barred Rock who will be 3 next month hasn't laid any eggs at all. She's always been a good layer, but not this season. Do you think the Sebright will start laying more when it warms up? Last spring she laid wonderfully until the first day of summer and then did not lay again until a few weeks ago, and just the one egg.

If you'd like to vote for my recipe, I'd sure appreciate it. All that is needed to register to vote is your name, e-mail address and a password. Date of birth, phone number, etc., are NOT required. Thank you:
We have two sebright hens, one silver laced (Epona) and one golden laced (Sebright). Epona doesn't like to be touched but Sebright likes to be petted when she's in the coop.


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