sebright thread

I have a question. The SoP calls for Cocks to weigh 22oz and hens to weigh 20oz. I just weighed all my birds and my heaviest cock weighed 20oz and my heaviest hen weighed 16.4. Three of my hens weighed under 13oz. My birds are all over 20 years old. It seems I have really small sebrights. Is this a bad thing?

It thought it would be difficult to keep them small enough, but I guess I will have to start breeding for size to get them up to SoP.
I have a question. The SoP calls for Cocks to weigh 22oz and hens to weigh 20oz.  I just weighed all my birds and my heaviest cock weighed 20oz and my heaviest hen weighed 16.4.  Three of my hens weighed under 13oz.  My birds are all over 20 years old.  It seems I have really small sebrights.  Is this a bad thing?  

It thought it would be difficult to keep them small enough, but I guess I will have to start breeding for size to get them up to SoP.

20 YEARS?!??What's your secret?
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The weights listed in the Standard are maximum weights. As long as your birds aren't so small as to not be productive or the size of a song bird (ok, that's probably exaggerating), then your weights sound fine, personally.
Yep, I'd love to buy a trio of those. I have quite a few Goldens, but my Silvers are either HUGE hatchery stock, or the Silvers that I raise from good birds always die of broken necks... they're mean lil boogers. I guess I need a seperate pen for each and every roo. I have taken to isolating them in smaller cages, but hate to keep the penned up, like that. My golden roo could hold his own in a fight with ANY standard roo, I think. They keep my hands bloody, and they're actually quite tame. haha! If ANY female chicken is in sight, they want to fight anything nearby, and that includes me. The courage is remarkable in these little guys.
The weights listed in the Standard are maximum weights. As long as your birds aren't so small as to not be productive or the size of a song bird (ok, that's probably exaggerating), then your weights sound fine, personally.
Yes they are maximum weights. I'm sure yours are fine.
PS my longest lived sebrights were a hen live to be 18 years old and a cock live to be 15 years. Keep them dry and out of drafts and they can live a long time. I keep records on all my sebrights ages and pedigrees so i know it was true. Nearly comparable to a cat or dog. Well, actually they outlived our large dogs.
So I don't know how I managed it but I got one sebright as my mystery bird about 3 months ago and now I think I have another one! The older one is a hen for sure, but can sebrights be feather sexed as chicks? I actually want this one to be a boy, but if they can be feather sexed it's probably a pullet. I fell in love with their colors though, what exquisite birds they are!
I got my first pair of sebrights last weekend. I can say I am loving them. the rooster has discovered his voice and uses it all day long, especially when he hasn't seen you in awhile and I go out to check on them he just has to talk to you. I just hope my neighbors don't mind. this morning he heard the kids get up and ready for school and he talked for an 1 1/2..everytime he heard one of the kids talking or seen them walk by. will he always be this talkative? I have never had a rooster before, I have always had hens.

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