sebright thread

Thank you for adding the quarter in the pic- such tiny eggs! I may worry about the egg turner when I finally get to incubate some. Anyone know if a quail turner is easier on the eggs? I guess sebright eggs would be too big for the quail egg turner but wouldn't the eggs bump to the other sides kind of hard when turned in the chicken egg turner? As you can tell I haven't incubated bantam eggs yet:) How old is your girl that gave up the loot?
Thank you for adding the quarter in the pic- such tiny eggs! I may worry about the egg turner when I finally get to incubate some. Anyone know if a quail turner is easier on the eggs? I guess sebright eggs would be too big for the quail egg turner but wouldn't the eggs bump to the other sides kind of hard when turned in the chicken egg turner? As you can tell I haven't incubated bantam eggs yet:) How old is your girl that gave up the loot?
Just under 18 weeks

I was thinking about adder layer to the mix, but there is only 1 egg and this breed is not a heavy layer, so I will wait to see how things progress.
Oh my gosh! I was going by the 6 month estimate so since mine are 13 weeks I'll have to start checking the nest boxes in a few weeks just to be sure:) The nest boxes are external and have ventilation across the top below the lid so I crammed them full of hay to block wind during the storms. I did notice that they've been curious and pulled hay out. Never would have crossed my mind to look for eggs from them at 18 weeks or less....lucky you! How many sebrights do you have? How many are pullets?
Oh my gosh! I was going by the 6 month estimate so since mine are 13 weeks I'll have to start checking the nest boxes in a few weeks just to be sure:) The nest boxes are external and have ventilation across the top below the lid so I crammed them full of hay to block wind during the storms. I did notice that they've been curious and pulled hay out. Never would have crossed my mind to look for eggs from them at 18 weeks or less....lucky you! How many sebrights do you have? How many are pullets?
I have 14 total. 5 are roosters, so I have my hands full
I also have 5 guineas thrown in the mix! I was thinking that my first egg would show up in another month, or so, but these hens are ready now. I just found my second egg
I have nesting boxes, but they seem to like the hay better, so I will have to fill the boxes with hay and see what happens.
Wow! Sounds like you do have your hands full with those guys. I've never kept a Sebright rooster just because my neighbors would not appreciate the crowing but the ones I've met have been quite the little characters. Lots of puffing up and bluffing and crowing.

Congrats on the eggs. It's so exciting when you get that first egg from one. ^_^

I've got three nest boxes being shared by four hens right now, 2 Sebrights and 2 standard sized hens. I have straw in the boxes and on the floor of the coop. They all seem to love it. The only time my Sebrights would lay eggs on the coop floor instead of the boxes was when both of their favorite boxes were in use and they couldn't or wouldn't wait. Now that they've been laying for a while though everybody sort of stands in line for those two favorite boxes. I guess as they grow up they get the hang of it a little better.
I just filled up my boxes with hay to attract the hens (hopefully)! The roos are a handful! I am going to have to build another addition and somehow separate them
Most of them are ok, but there are two that will fight until they are bloody and keep at it. I am thinking one of them will walk away only when the other has been "taken care of"

I have a hen right now making a nest and appears to be preparing for release
I am going to build a small box nest until they start using what the real boxes were designed for
I've been reading this thread and Silseb I would LOVE to have some of your birds!! I have a pair that I bought at a show back in September and I have yet to see the hen lay. Sigh. I would really love to hatch some chicks. I have a silkie that has yet to lay an egg also and she is over a year old. Darn girls!
Here is my pair...inside due to a severe cold spell we had a few days ago. The cockerel is my favorite, he's a hoot.

thanks! wow yours are very nice too. they could very well be related.
Noticed a few days ago that one of the cockerels has mismatched wattles. One is regular and the other is drawn up the way a walnut comb looks. I "gave" the silvers to my daughter when the crevecoeur she chose to claim didn't handle the cold so well. I care for them but they are 'hers' so I'll have to let her know why he doesn't need to be kept for breeding. There are 2 other males so the silvers can be separated into 2 trios to keep down any fighting. I hope everuone has been doing well!

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