sebright thread

Mine were a lot tougher than I thought they'd be. We had a spell where it was -25 with the wind chill but I never added heat and there are only sebrights in their bantam coop. During the worst of the windy days I stapled a feed bag over the ventilation on the prevailing side but left the other sides open. Blocked off two sides of their run but left the rest open. All roosted as they were supposed too and did great. They weren't even adults this past winter but every one of them did great! I'm waiting on eggs now....
Hey guys! I absoltaily LOVE silver sebrights and the way they look. I was wanting to hatch some on easter. do any of you know of an excellent show quality sebright breeder?
I have got 4 sebrights 2 males and 2 females. I will take a pic tomz but I still don't know much about them. can u people please help me.
Here is my pair of Golden Sebrights i hatched, she just started laying 4 days ago an so far she's laid 3 eggs in 4 days, im planning on incubating them but will she keep laying like this or will it become less frequent?

Here is my pair of Golden Sebrights i hatched, she just started laying 4 days ago an so far she's laid 3 eggs in 4 days, im planning on incubating them but will she keep laying like this or will it become less frequent?
That's some pretty good egg laying. It will definitely slow down but after some time. I wouldn't be surprised if you were to normally get eggs every other day for now and after a year or 2 maybe 2-3 eggs a week...
I'm getting several sebright chicks next week ( gold and silver). Any tips or advice to raising them? I've raised chicks from larger breeds but this is my go with bantams.
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Marbles or rocks in the waterer! Mine tried to go swimming as soon as they were in the brooder. When they are juveniles it would be a good idea to separate them into breeding groups or at least dole out the females with separated males. My alpha juvenile just killed another male the other day with well placed kicks and I wasn't expecting it at all because the girls aren't even laying yet. To me sebrights are something else- nothing like ANY of the other large fowl or bantam breeds I have.

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