sebright thread

Marbles or rocks in the waterer! Mine tried to go swimming as soon as they were in the brooder. When they are juveniles it would be a good idea to separate them into breeding groups or at least dole out the females with separated males. My alpha juvenile just killed another male the other day with well placed kicks and I wasn't expecting it at all because the girls aren't even laying yet. To me sebrights are something else- nothing like ANY of the other large fowl or bantam breeds I have.

That just brought up a topic I have been thinking about. I have a lone Seabright pullet. My DH was asking if we should get a roo to go with her. I have plenty of bantam roos ( d'Uccle, D'anver,Silkie...) just no Sea bright yo go with my girl I rescued when my friends coop flooded. I have read were the roos are aggressive to each other, but are they to people as well?
Thank-you, that definitely helps. I really appreciate it. I had one gold male seabright rooster as a teenager. He was my favorite of all our chickens. I'm really excited about getting more.
I haven't owned one, but, the little roos at the place where I got my two hens were charging my husband through the fence. I think they'd definitely messed him up if the wire wasn't between them.
I haven't owned one, but, the little roos at the place where I got my two hens were charging my husband through the fence. I think they'd definitely messed him up if the wire wasn't between them.

Sebright males are often aggressive, however, they weigh 22 ounces. I doubt they'd have done your husband any serious harm.
Since I'm getting 8 gold and 8 silver sebright chicks should I separate the types? I was planning on putting them all together for a few weeks then separate them once they get bigger.
They should be fine together since their just chicks, you'd only need to separate them for breeding purposes or ones that dont get along
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Just throwing my experience with Sebright roos, mine were all very sweet, lovable and gentle little guys who integrated well into the flock with other roos without fighting. BUT - every single one of them (4) dropped dead at varying ages before 1 year old. They seemed to have a genetic problem or a heart issue.
OK thanks. I'm going to separate them eventually for breeding purposes. (Barring their not all roosters cause they were ordered as straight run). I hope to get at least a 50/50 split but who knows.
Since I'm getting 8 gold and 8 silver sebright chicks should I separate the types? I was planning on putting them all together for a few weeks then separate them once they get bigger.

Sebrights that are kept with other chicks of different color varieties as chicks and juveniles tend to be more balanced adults I noticed. Less likely to fight.

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