sebright thread

I haven't experienced that with mine. Very independent but when they know I'm outside they all come running and hollering, but once they think I'm gone they are fine and go about their business. I do have two that like to be in your lap just don't touch them. All of my and my husband's experience with sebrights have been this way. More of a look not touch kinda bird. They do like to know what you are doing. But there is always the exception. Sounds like yours loves you and just wants to be with you.

Did yours ever have any noticeable trouble with leg/foot strength and/or balance? My baby roo Atilla has always had a bit of a hard time, very insecure about perching and falls over trying to groom himself. No visible deformity but I started giving ten both baby vitamins several days ago and since then they both seem a bit more perky and he has even started to perch in the brooder whereas he never bothered before as though he knew it would be a hassle. He has always sat like this

I wasn't sure if this was a bantam issue or what, but until I started the vitamins I also noticed they were both very skinny and they've filled out more now. I don't even know if a vitamin deficiency can cause that, and I have always given them plenty to eat.
Did yours ever have any noticeable trouble with leg/foot strength and/or balance? My baby roo Atilla has always had a bit of a hard time, very insecure about perching and falls over trying to groom himself. No visible deformity but I started giving ten both baby vitamins several days ago and since then they both seem a bit more perky and he has even started to perch in the brooder whereas he never bothered before as though he knew it would be a hassle. He has always sat like this

I wasn't sure if this was a bantam issue or what, but until I started the vitamins I also noticed they were both very skinny and they've filled out more now. I don't even know if a vitamin deficiency can cause that, and I have always given them plenty to eat.
My sultans did when I first got them. When ever I have chicks in brooder or with the hen I give vitamin supplements. With the sultans that was what they needed and started to improve everyday.
I have noticed my sebrights didn't really start to perch till they were 4-5 week's with the exception of one or 2 that were 3-4 week's. Vitamin deficiency can cause a lot of issues (weakness, loss of coronation and balance) just a few. That if not attended to can lead to death.
Is it possible colour sex or wing sex sebright chicks? They're day old.
sebrights roos are not like most. They are hen feathered. Meaning they don't get the hackle feathers and their tails are hen like. Sexing is very hard till the combs come in. I have found the Hen's to crow more so then any other breed but not like the roo will. I have never known anyone to be able to feather or color sex a sebright.
sebrights roos are not like most. They are hen feathered. Meaning they don't get the hackle feathers and their tails are hen like. Sexing is very hard till the combs come in. I have found the Hen's to crow more so then any other breed but not like the roo will. I have never known anyone to be able to feather or color sex a sebright.

I found I could reliably sex my four at three weeks due to comb development. One cockerel and three pullets, yes! Male started crowing this week at 11 weeks old. Funniest thing I've heard in a while.
Hello, I'm new to the world of Sebrights and have a question. After browsing through this thread I'm a little concerned about adding sebrights to my flock. I have someone offering me two little 4 week old Sebright chicks, gender unknown. I cannot have roosters where I am. The rest of my flock is various breeds of standard size hens. If these two sebrights end up being females, and I can keep them, how do you think they will do with a flock of larger hens? We have a large yard where the hens free range in, but they would be cooped together at night. I'm also concerned about the noise level. One post said the females crow as much as the males and that they can be very noisy. I am currently raising some chicks of the same age, that I could raise these two sebrights with. The other chicks are Americanas, leghorns, orpingtons, and I think there's a bantam that snuck in there. (Eggs from a friend.)
Any input would be appreciated. Thank you.

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