sebright thread


sebright's can hold their own for the most part with larger bird's. They are tough despite their tiny size. At 4weeks old the gold one is starting to look like it's going to be a little boy. From what i can see from the pictures it is starting to get a comb. Their crow is not like any chicken I have ever heard. You can more then likely get way with having it were rooster's are not aloud. Sebright hen's do tend crow more then any other breed. If you have some chick's their age you should be able to mix them. And would have a better chance at a successful integration to your flock. Best of luck
Question: my two silvers appear to be both roosters but they are the exact same age and one of them has a decidedly smaller lighter comb and smaller barely pink waddles. They're 8 weeks old. They've always been the same size but one, the one with the smaller comb and waddles, developed way more slowly than the other. In photos I've seen huge variation between hens and their comb size so I can't tell what is possible. The smaller combed one, Atilla, is decidedly more submissive and I've only seen the other crow for certain. I figured they were both males but I still wonder, only one acts like a rooster for sure while the other still hides beneath him, sticking it's little head up under him with it's little butt up in the air whenever something scary happens.
Question: my two silvers appear to be both roosters but they are the exact same age and one of them has a decidedly smaller lighter comb and smaller barely pink waddles. They're 8 weeks old. They've always been the same size but one, the one with the smaller comb and waddles, developed way more slowly than the other. In photos I've seen huge variation between hens and their comb size so I can't tell what is possible. The smaller combed one, Atilla, is decidedly more submissive and I've only seen the other crow for certain. I figured they were both males but I still wonder, only one acts like a rooster for sure while the other still hides beneath him, sticking it's little head up under him with it's little butt up in the air whenever something scary happens.
At 8weeks then hen's shouldn't really have a comb yet. From what I can see you are correct both are roos. I haven't had any problems with two Sebright rooster's together. They will find their pecking order and the dominant one will be the one who crow's the most. Here is a picture of one of my hen's at 4 month's
I hope this is of some help to you
Thanks so much! The only thing is when I google sebright hens I get everything from almost no comb, a black comb, to a reddish pink medium comb and pinkish white waddles exactly like my Atilla. He is from a feed store and I'm guessing the breeding is fast and loose with those sebrights so I can't figure it out. I know the females are supposed to look like yours but I've seen many online that look quite a bit closer to Atilla. Do you know what I mean?
But I'm taking his young age into consideration which is my biggest clue he is a boy. It's like his comb has quit developing though, it was changing daily and now only Serenity (lol, the male I thought was female originally hence his lovely name) is getting a bigger redder comb by the day not to mention waddles.
But I'm taking his young age into consideration which is my biggest clue he is a boy. It's like his comb has quit developing though, it was changing daily and now only Serenity (lol, the male I thought was female originally hence his lovely name) is getting a bigger redder comb by the day not to mention waddles.
I know what you are saying as the Hen's get older they do get a comb like your little one. A good quality sebright should have a dark redish black walnut comb. It is not uncommon for they to have red single comb (mainly hatchery stock). A pale comb can be a couple of thing's poor breeding, young, sick or lacking something from their feed. With the age of your (8weeks)and coming from a feed store. I would say it has more to do with poor breeding and age has to do with it's size and coloring.
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