sebright thread

I am still so entirely confused on the sex of my sebright bantam.

Everytime I think I know, it does something that throws me for a loop.
I know the comb says hen, but I have seen combs go wrong from breedings.

It is a wild thing and has puffed it's neck feathers up at other roo's. But it hasn't crowed that I know of and is 5 months old.
Any ideas? What do y'all think from looking at the feathering and such?

Yeah definitely a hen just with some mixed characteristics

I thought I would rehome Jingle to get higher quality sebrights to show them...No, just no. He's a pet.
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Yep, that's a hen for sure. Here's a pic of my roo and he's only three months old ... and definitely crows
A LOT!!! Since I'm new to this thread I was wondering if the crowing is a breed thing? My other bantam roos don't hardly crow at all and this guy is noisy all the time and kind of fiesty, ie he doesn't want to sit still at all or to be held but he doesn't attack other birds or anything.

Usually its the dominant roos that crow the most. I have 5 roosters and only 2 crow all the time. When I had added a Polish roo to the bunch they got along well and he crowed a few times a day for the first couple weeks and now he doesnt crow at all:(.....wonder how you make a rooster crow more???
haha usually its the other way around but I love hearing roosters crow
I just love these birds. I'm going to have to look into getting a female bantam golden to go with my roo so I can breed. Just not sure I can do it yet because I'm dealing with neighbors who are insane and think my birds are too noisy and smelly. No one else thinks they smell or are too noisy ... of course no one else in the neighborhood is insane either.
Just got a pair of Golden Sebrights this weekend for my daughter to show for 4-H & I love them. I've always liked them, but so much more now that we have some, so I'm got some eggs to put in the incubator.
I had a question about Sebrights. In a few weeks, I am going to be adding a Silver Sebright to my flock, and I was wondering if they are as prone to Merek's disease as people say they are. Also, are they really that friendly? And, how well do they lay for their size?
I had a question about Sebrights. In a few weeks, I am going to be adding a Silver Sebright to my flock, and I was wondering if they are as prone to Merek's disease as people say they are. Also, are they really that friendly? And, how well do they lay for their size?
I've never had a problem with Mareks in any chickens, but sebrights are a bantam and as a rule for all bantams a little more delicate as chicks. As adults they have been robust birds for me, rarely sick if at all. As with most chickens, how friendly yours will be is based upon how it is raised. Their eggs are small and a cream color and depending on what stock your bird is from will decided how good of a layer. I'd say they lay 2-3 eggs a week each.

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