sebright thread

Action shot.
Well, got my Sebrights...not really. The guy brought the "Sebrights" to the sale; as soon as I set eyes on them I turned down the birds. They were nearly solid-black with spots of white here and there, no lacing whatsoever. The cockerel was distinctly cock-feathered, and even his comb didn't seem quite right. Didn't have much of a spike on it. So, didn't get the trio I was hoping for, but somebody else did bring a lovely Silver Sebright rooster to the sale and I purchased him without hesitation; lovely colouring and feathering. Probably not show-worthy, but 100% better than what the other guy tried to sell me. Don't have a picture right now; will try to have a little photo shoot with my new birds later this week. Also purchased a quad of Splash Rosecombs (gorgeous! worth every penny I spent on them!) and managed to sell a few birds as well. So not a terrible sale all-in-all, but could've been better.
I had a bad experience with driving for and hour for "dark brahma" and ending up with mixed chicks. The next time I asked the seller to send a photo - Now the hour plus was worth the drive. I think that some people just don't know what they are talking about or were just misinformed at the start. It is great that you ended up with birds you wanted!
Finally took some pics of my Sebright roo, whose been named Sebastian. He's quite flighty, and as I didn't have anybody to assist me, I had to put him in a dog crate in order to get a decent shot of him. Sebastian. Haha.

I'm very pleased with him. I think he was worth the $10 I spent on him; I noticed today though that his spike is a little crooked, but he was the best Sebright roo at the sale. The others had poor lacing, sickle feathers, and more cock-feathered characteristics than what I'd like. I just need to handle him more and get him quieted down, and get him some girls. Haha. Hopefully at the show and sale in December I'll find something worth while.
Finally took some pics of my Sebright roo, whose been named Sebastian. He's quite flighty, and as I didn't have anybody to assist me, I had to put him in a dog crate in order to get a decent shot of him. Sebastian. Haha.

He is beautiful! I had one just like him but I had to cull him. He started to attack people so he had to go.
None of my roosters are showing real aggression. Some of them try pecking, but even my RJF doesn't try attacking me. I had to catch him the other day cause he got some string tangled around his foot, but once I caught him he was fine. And when I released him, he went away calmly. Same with Sebastian.

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