sebright thread

Ours was like that but then he would fly at you and peck at you hard enough to leave marks. I didn't want to cull him but he kept going after my kids and they stopped going in the chicken run to see the other chickens so sadly he had to go. He was great with his girls though.

This is him.
Well, only time will tell I suppose. Sorry you had to cull your boy for personality problems; but that's always a risk with roosters, isn't it? He really was a pretty boy. Think you'll ever get another one?
Well, only time will tell I suppose. Sorry you had to cull your boy for personality problems; but that's always a risk with roosters, isn't it? He really was a pretty boy. Think you'll ever get another one?
That is very true about roosters. And thank you. My 11 year old daughter was very sad. He was hers. I might get another some day.I do think that he may have been sterile though. We have a little female partridge sebright who's eggs we gave to our broody cochin and he wasn't the father. Our silkie was.
He could've been sterile, or he may've been lower in the pecking order. The alpha rooster would breed most of the females, and males lower in the pecking order rarely get chances to do so. He could also have been subordinate to the females, which would also lessen his chances of getting to spread his genetics. So it's hard to know for certain, though sterility is a problem with Sebrights, unfortunately. I hope my man is fertile. Haha.
Yeah, thankfully I caught myself. The people tried telling me they'd been breeding Sebrights for 2 years and that their lacing would improve with age. Thank god I do my research or I really would've been buggered and stuck with three useless birds. Thankfully most of the people selling birds there seem to be good folk ready and willing to strike up a conversation, teach me things, and not screw me over with birds that aren't what I wanted. But Sebright rooster was still worth it and I know better for next time not to deal with that guy. Now I can't wait until the December show. Haha.

People acn't cheat you if you do your homework. How many times here on BYC have you seen a post where someone is shocked to learn that the "SHOW QUALITY" whatever they bought is really junk. I've said it before & I'll say it again. If you want to get into breeding/showing quality poultry trhe first thing you need to buy is a Standard not a chicken.
You just illustrated this point. You did some research so the person selling the so-called Sebrights wasn't able to BS you into buying his birds. Had you not done that research you might well have fallen for the "improve with age" story.
A valuable lesson .
Definitely! I'm really glad I've done my research. I mean, I'm no expert, but I know enough to keep myself from being cheated. I hate seeing people taking advantage of those that are new to the hobby due to lack of knowledge. I mean, there's always more to learn and you can never know everything about anything, but research makes a difference. I tell people I meet that are interested in the hobbies; "Buy a couple of books, check out these websites, etc." I'm even trying to help newbies and I'm a newbie myself. Haha.
You've got a really nice bird. Sounds like you did your homework.
So, I have a broody sebright?? I read that they don't really get broody but mine has plucked all her belly feathers and "yells" at any chicken or person that goes into the coop. She is as fluffy as she can be for a sebright that is. I took the big egg she was on away but i gave her a different one. She looked at it and then tucked it under her. We will see if she stays broody.

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