Show Off Your Games!

You better watch talk. CA has experienced biblical rain events that have not occurred since is became a state.
I know I dont want to jinx the whole state... I have read about the 100 year flood that is overdue. Creates a lake out of Central Cal (where my in-laws live and farm). Being that its an El Nino year it is very possible this could be it.

I need to prep my house too, I had mudslide come into my yard this winter and covered everything in 6" of clay like mud... Had to rent a bobcat to clear most of it out. Still have hardened mud covering a considerable part of my side yards.
Hello, I just found this thread and will read it through - backwards - today first..Ha. Thank you for all the conversation...We are elderly and have a little farm...I do love the old english game hens we have (3) one is totally black..ferousous (spelled wrong) mean as mean when setting.. wonderful to take care of chicks and teach them to be chickens...#2 is a brown bodied hen with a redish head to neck...great broody, again no one messes with her chicks...#3 a wheaten color, young has a top notch and has hatched her first hatch...have incubated 17 chicks and am trying to identify for GAMES..the only BROWN color in our flock is in the brown game hen so will band the two that have trying to locate a black but there is no way I can tell now because we have a black astralorpe roo and 10 of the chicks are black . some have the white spot (barred rock) how can I find the BLACK GAME if any? hope this isn't too long....just am counting on the games to keep our little flock going in hard times for us..Thank you....G
Hello, I just found this thread and will read it through - backwards - today first..Ha. Thank you for all the conversation...We are elderly and have a little farm...I do love the old english game hens we have (3) one is totally black..ferousous (spelled wrong) mean as mean when setting.. wonderful to take care of chicks and teach them to be chickens...#2 is a brown bodied hen with a redish head to neck...great broody, again no one messes with her chicks...#3 a wheaten color, young has a top notch and has hatched her first hatch...have incubated 17 chicks and am trying to identify for GAMES..the only BROWN color in our flock is in the brown game hen so will band the two that have trying to locate a black but there is no way I can tell now because we have a black astralorpe roo and 10 of the chicks are black . some have the white spot (barred rock) how can I find the BLACK GAME if any? hope this isn't too long....just am counting on the games to keep our little flock going in hard times for us..Thank you....G
Welcome. You have a lot to read... 738 pages haha

Do you have any game roosters or just hens? If your astrolop bred to the game hens than they may never be game. If you did breed to a game rooster than you will notice the chicks will be smaller and leaner, especially as they get older.
No game roo.....I stupidly let a creole beautiful roo to to someone elso because I "heard" it would put a fighting gene in my flock...Pooyie! Knowledge is the answer...can't the chick pick up size, color and some qualities from Hen.....It must be because the wheaton colored little hen looks game acts game broody great mama was this just a flook? sure hope not because I treasure my game hens.... don't know if I should just order 3 more pure chicks, what do you think?....
Crossbreeds might pick up some game qualities, but they wont be "game" according to gamefowl people. Be aware that your gamehens will add the fighting spirit to your flock too. A good gamecock will not attack people, only other roosters.

If you want pure gamefowl then you need to breed to a game rooster.

If you want crossbreeds that look game you will have to select the ones that look game, but males still might be aggressive (towards other males). Black is espeically hard to distinguish from male or female tho, until they are older (3-4 months in my experience).

Do you have any pictures of your game hens?
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No game roo.....I stupidly let a creole beautiful roo to to someone elso because I "heard" it would put a fighting gene in my flock...Pooyie! Knowledge is the answer...can't the chick pick up size, color and some qualities from Hen.....It must be because the wheaton colored little hen looks game acts game broody great mama was this just a flook? sure hope not because I treasure my game hens.... don't know if I should just order 3 more pure chicks, what do you think?....

Show a picture of the hens to provide some insight.
sorry, I don't have the ability or capability to send cell doesn't even send interest in the games is purely for the broodyness of the I said we are elderly and want to create the best circumstance for....our future......we love our chickens .. all .. some provide meat (astralorpe,Ply. Barred Rock, and buff orps) for eggs...Isa Browns (the real ones from Townline) have great respect for our little games....thank you

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