Show off your Peas!

We can put in a syringe and then put a needle on it. I would prefer oral but if injectable is the only way then I will do it.
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Today is a sad day for me. I lost my peahen Calypso. You were one of the best known peahens that all of us knew. I'm glad that you are no longer in pain, I love you and you will always be in my heart and all of ours. May you rest by God's side in peace. Amen.
Today is a sad day for me. I lost my peahen Calypso. You were one of the best known peahens that all of us knew. I'm glad that you are no longer in pain, I love you and you will always be in my heart and all of ours. May you rest by God's side in peace. Amen.

Oh birdrain92, I am so sorry to hear this. I'm afraid being out here on EST, I ended up having to go to bed last night. We get up at 4:30am so we are not nightowls. Now you see why everyone says that by the time they show signs they are sick they are REALLY sick. They hide it so well until it is so bad they no longer can. You should consider putting together a small collection of the important meds along with some formula and syringes and a tube, and of course wormer. Keep a sharp eye on the new Thor as both were exposed to the same things. And I really would get some safeguard from TSC or Ebay and worm everyone as a precaution. I (and I think Kathy) would both be happy to help you put a first aid kit together. Keeping a really close eye on your Peas is the best advice I can give you, learn to spot when things are not quite right then you can treat them early. Again I am so sorry, Mindy
Today is a sad day for me. I lost my peahen Calypso. You were one of the best known peahens that all of us knew. I'm glad that you are no longer in pain, I love you and you will always be in my heart and all of ours. May you rest by God's side in peace. Amen.
So sorry for your loss she was a beauty
Today is a sad day for me. I lost my peahen Calypso. You were one of the best known peahens that all of us knew. I'm glad that you are no longer in pain, I love you and you will always be in my heart and all of ours. May you rest by God's side in peace. Amen.:hit

I am really sorry for your loss of Calypso. I know she meant a great deal to you.

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