Show off your Peas!

Zaz was beating around the bush, lol, so I'll be direct.
Peafowl are very suspetible to:

  • Coccidiosis
  • Blackhead (histomoniasis)
  • E. Coli, which they almost always get if they have blackhead.
  • Cecal worms
  • Capillary worms

You should probably have the following on hand in case your cute pea gets sick:

  • Corid or Amprol for coccidiosis - $16 to $25
  • Metronidazole (Fishzole, Flagyl, Meditrich) for blackhead (histomoniasis) - ~$30
  • Safeguard liquid goat wormer for most worms - ~$22
  • 10% Baytril for E. coli - ~$25

If you want, I could mail you a few metronidazole pills so you don't have to buy a whole bottle.

When you have a chance, read this:

Not trying to scare you, just don't want you to go through what so many others have.


Thank for all the info Kathy. And that would be great about the pills. I do have Corid here. Is that Safeguard a paste wormer in a syringe? I use medicated pellets for my goats. But I do use paste for the horses. I wonder if Tractor Supply has the Baytril.
@Lisa Pedro , Now might be a good time to get a baseline weight on your chick. I have found that healthy chicks make daily weight gains of 7-12% of their body weight. No need to weigh daily, but if you weighed you chick today and then again in a week you should see a significant increase in weight. If you don't, that will give you a head start into figuring out what's making it sick. Make sense?

Many people don't weigh theirs and I don't weigh some of mine, but my special ones, like the ones I got from eggs that @DylansMom sent me get weighed about every three days.

Hope this helps.


I do have a postal scale, now I have to find it again. I just moved my home office and alot of things are going out into the hatchery, so I just have to figure out which box it is in. What a good treats for Peachicks? Besides the gamebird starter, the only thing he has had is live meal worms. Do the Peas need anything special like more protein as the quails do? And the biggest question "Are all Peachicks finger biters?" lol He is always biting my fingers like he wants to eat them. And he went crazy for a paper towel I was wiping the counter with. I did not let him have it, but he is so entertaining.
Quote: You can you use the horse paste and the dose to treat just the cecal worm if you're worried about blackhead is .05ml per 100 grams (50mg/kg) once by mouth and repeat in ten days. For other worms it's .02ml-.05ml per 100 grams by mouth for 3-5 days.
Just PM me your address and I'll send you a few pills.

FYI, both the paste and the liquid are dosed the same way.
1ml of liquid = 100 grams
1 gram of paste = 100 grams
1ml of paste happens to weigh 1 gram, so you can use either.

Liquid is cheaper... 125 1ml doses for ~$22. Tube of paste has just 25 1ml doses and costs what, $12?

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I used the paste for my peacock that is used for horses. We just gave him 1cc for 5 days straight, 2 week brake and then again for 5 days. Not all bite your fingers. I've used meal worms before.
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I used the paste for my peacock that is used for horses. We just gave him 1cc for 5 days straight, 2 week brake and then again for 5 days. Not all bite your fingers. I've used meal worms before.
If he weighs 5kg that's at the lower end of what I would give him, but it should work, but might not be very effective if he's closer to 6kg.

Love everyones peas!!!!

haven't posted picts in a while, so here's a bunch!!!

put a branch that fell in for fun, they like it.

pict of houdina - she flew up and I got her butt!! hehe.



Georgia, Cleopatra and Mark Anthony

MA - no tail :(


Rose n Houdina

Rose n Houdina

Rose n Houdina








Peas playing with kids... a second earlier they were... my phone has a delay in taking picts...

All are about 2 years and 3 months.

So do those support feathers fall out also or will he just grow a new tail? he looks so funny :)

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