Show off your Peas!

Hi Everyone, Here is a little update on my one and only peachick, "Sweet". He is just starting to get some colored feathers. Someone thought he was an India Blue, but he seems to have green feathers coming in. Is that normal for a blue bird to have green feathers come in or is he really a green. Do the blue chicks and the green chicks look the same before they get their color? Let me know what you think.

Hard to see, but there are a couple green feathers in the middleof the picture

Easier to see them here.

You can not see it, but one of his back crest feathers is green too.

I just love Sweet. He is a Momma's boy. I hope that means he will not wander when he gets older.
He is an India Blue. They get green feathers on their necks at first. He seems to be doing very well! I am near Fort Myers. If you ever get down this way I could cut you a good deal on a companion for him. I have hatched a few extras!
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He is an India Blue. They get green feathers on their necks at first. He seems to be doing very well! I am near Fort Myers. If you ever get down this way I could cut you a good deal on a companion for him. I have hatched a few extras!

Thank you for the confirmation on him being a blue. Yes, he is doing very well. He likes to hang out with me or be with his 2 little Blue Swedish duck friends in in the chicken tractor when it is nice outside. When he gets big enough, I will let him free range with e ducks, geese, guineas and turkeys.
Here they are. I just took them. Some were in the sun and some in the shade. What do you think?

Looks to me like the stripes are going away on the wings, if so you got yourself a girl there.
I sure hope you are right. Here is what Sweet looked like about a month ago.

What an adorable face!
I do think Sweet is a hen, the stripes on the wings look more prominent in the younger pics and that generally means those feathers are being molted out and the new ones growing in are more of a solid brown. Sometimes one will fool you, but most times this holds true. Congrats!

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