Show off your Peas!

They are so cute!

Sorry that I'm going back to my last post but I'm still full of happiness from getting Gold on my Proficiency. For those that don't know what the Proficiency Award is through FFA it's when I select certain SAEs (Supervised Agricultural Experience) to give a report on. I chose Colbolt and Sage. I had to type up my financial records, what I've learned by doing this project, what are some of the challenges I had to face, what are the solutions to those problems, 10 skills on how they are related to agriculture, add 5 photos with description, attach one page on any other additions I didn't talk about, and a one page letter of recommendation. Then if they think the application is good enough they will schedule an interview. The interview is only 10 minutes which surprisingly I was able to limit myself to 8 minutes. Even though the judges were told not to ask open ended questions that I could drag out. I was able to get Gold! I was the State Winner! I could go on to Nationals but my advisors think if I were to try to go to Nationals with it I should have more than 2 peafowl in my entrepreneurship. I was able to beat the other Specialty Animal person who was a Mink farmer of 200. Sadly though I wasn't able to get on stage for it but I was filled in on what they said about the award some of the questions they asked the person filling in for me.
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I love my new colt! I got some photos of him when we were able to get a break from the rain. Unfortunately I could only get butt shots of the colt.

Is her tail black. I know it looked like it in the one pick but I thought it may have just been the lighting because I thought it was more of a brown color.

Here's another pic of it.

Sorry this one in reference to a previous conversation we had discussing the difference in an IB BS vs Bronze BS
In direct sunlight they will all look a bit lighter. Best to go by the color in shade or on a cloudy day. The black wing feathers on a male will also look a little brownish in direct sun. If she did turn out to be a Bronze BS she would not be able to produce Bronze chicks without a male that is also Bronze or split to Bronze, so if you don't have one of those, all offspring would be IBBS split Bronze. At the end of summer when she molts keep one of those tail feathers, and if you want me to, I'll send a Bronze to you for comparison. That is really the best way to know for sure. Wing feathers are a little different too, but I don't think I have the exact ones I need for a comparison photo, sold them all.
In direct sunlight they will all look a bit lighter. Best to go by the color in shade or on a cloudy day. The black wing feathers on a male will also look a little brownish in direct sun. If she did turn out to be a Bronze BS she would not be able to produce Bronze chicks without a male that is also Bronze or split to Bronze, so if you don't have one of those, all offspring would be IBBS split Bronze. At the end of summer when she molts keep one of those tail feathers, and if you want me to, I'll send a Bronze to you for comparison. That is really the best way to know for sure. Wing feathers are a little different too, but I don't think I have the exact ones I need for a comparison photo, sold them all.

Ok thanks!
They are so cute!

Sorry that I'm going back to my last post but I'm still full of happiness from getting Gold on my Proficiency. For those that don't know what the Proficiency Award is through FFA it's when I select certain SAEs (Supervised Agricultural Experience) to give a report on. I chose Colbolt and Sage. I had to type up my financial records, what I've learned by doing this project, what are some of the challenges I had to face, what are the solutions to those problems, 10 skills on how they are related to agriculture, add 5 photos with description, attach one page on any other additions I didn't talk about, and a one page letter of recommendation. Then if they think the application is good enough they will schedule an interview. The interview is only 10 minutes which surprisingly I was able to limit myself to 8 minutes. Even though the judges were told not to ask open ended questions that I could drag out. I was able to get Gold! I was the State Winner! I could go on to Nationals but my advisors think if I were to try to go to Nationals with it I should have more than 2 peafowl in my entrepreneurship. I was able to beat the other Specialty Animal person who was a Mink farmer of 200. Sadly though I wasn't able to get on stage for it but I was filled in on what they said about the award some of the questions they asked the person filling in for me.
So someone farms minks?
Hi Everyone,
My little Sweet Pea has had some gentleman callers. These 2 beautiful boys showed up one day about 2 weeks ago and had our farm in an uproar. The Guineas and turkeys do not like invaders. They hung around for 2 days and left, but we could hear their calls off in the distance. Well Friday one of them came back. The second male was sort of lurking around. The bold one seems to have made himself at home. Eating and drinking and following Sweet around. I think she has finally realized that he is here to see her, and she still runs to me for reassurance.
Well something else happened this evening, I heard that honking noise that Sweet makes out back where my goats are. Sweet was already in her cage, the one male was in the yard and the other male lurking in the pasture across the street. Do only females make the honking noise? If so, there is another female behind my house. Is this normal for them all to come together in one area?
My only worry is that I allow Sweet to free range during the day and I do not want one of the males to lead her off. Is that a valid concern?

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Hi Everyone, My little Sweet Pea has had some gentleman callers. These 2 beautiful boys showed up one day about 2 weeks ago and had our farm in an uproar. The Guineas and turkeys do not like invaders. They hung around for 2 days and left, but we could hear their calls off in the distance. Well Friday one of them came back. The second male was sort of lurking around. The bold one seems to have made himself at home. Eating and drinking and following Sweet around. I think she has finally realized that he is here to see her, and she still runs to me for reassurance. Well something else happened this evening, I heard that honking noise that Sweet makes out back where my goats are. Sweet was already in her cage, the one male was in the yard and the other male lurking in the pasture across the street. Do only females make the honking noise? If so, there is another female behind my house. Is this normal for them all to come together in one area? My only worry is that I allow Sweet to free range during the day and I do not want one of the males to lead her off. Is that a valid concern?
Sweet will not leave ..;) that's her home

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