Spring Granny Square Swap

Sunny I think for every square turned in and sent they probably did 5 more in practice lol!!
haha! What perfectionists! I sure didn't go to that much trouble but their hard work sure did pay off!

Quote: Good!
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Canesister's afghan is beautifu. I bet the cat likes it, too.

I'll post a picture of the afghan when it's done. I don't think I'll have a block of time until Sunday to finish putting them together.
Canesister's afghan is beautifu. I bet the cat likes it, too.

I'll post a picture of the afghan when it's done. I don't think I'll have a block of time until Sunday to finish putting them together.

Althea, it wasn't mine (wish it was though). I just saw the pict when I was looking for a shawl pattern for my SIL. It made me think about the discussion going on here about jewel tones for the next swap.

Looking forward to seeing your finished project.
I just dropped in to say my box came over the weekend.. The squares are very nice, but sitting on the counter as I'm busy with my garden and spring chicks. Lord have mercy there is a lot to do. Here in NY you've got four months to get things done, then the cold weather hits and you've got to stored and ready for the snow.

Take care everyone and have a great summer.

Sunny... I really like the idea of different size squares for the next one. I've been looking at patterns that have multiple size squares in them and really like the look. Your color scheme(s) sound fabulous too!

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