Strangest and Silliest Chicken Names?

I have 2 barred rocks, Dorothy and Chickadee, and 2 buff orps, Hazel and Rhonda. Rhonda has a limp. For some reason people always laugh when I say that.
I can barely tell Dorothy and Chickadee apart, and I usually call the orps "Blondie".

We also have a Chickadee (red sex link) She is the favorite.
We're a bit pun-nutty here.

Say hello to Napoleon Blownaparte:


And Grumpus Minimus:


Our bantam frizz cochin, Pepper. The other one is named Blessyou. Our regular Silkie is Fooz(y).


Our Splash Rooster, i.e. Big Blue Fancypants:


One of the frizzle chicks, Flip:


Stock & Holmes - the two ducks who grew up thinking they were chickens since they were all together in the brooder:


Napoleon Blownaparte...that seriously cracked me up!!! Thanks for the laugh
We have 6 red sex links and my son named most of them. There's Chickadee, Pickadee, Chicken Little, Roadrunner, Lacey and one that has yet to be named.
I haven't named everyone and would even like some input.

We have 5 Ameraucana pullets: Mother Clucker (she's bossy and will force my hands on her and off others...), Clover, Ember, and Hedwig. The last one is white and I just can't think of anything for her...
We have two khaki campbell ducks as well who are still unnamed.
And our rooster who my two year old assisted in naming: Lightning Dragon McQueen :sigh:
Anyone have good white chicken names or duck names??? I'm cruising the forums to steal!
So then she became the 'Chicken Who Must Not Be Named' because she couldn't be named, which obviously morphed into Voldemort

Got to laugh, we have a hermit crab called voldemort for exactly the same reason :)

Funny thing was in our case the name did fit because he turned out to be the bully of the tank :)
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I haven't named everyone and would even like some input.

The last one is white and I just can't think of anything for her...

Anyone have good white chicken names or duck names??? I'm cruising the forums to steal!

Every thing white in our house ends up called zero :)

First time was after the white haired character in inc (invisible network of kids)

Next was zero after the white haired character in vampire night (tv show taste changed lol)

And finally zero because the cockatiel had zero colour :)
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This has been one of my favorite threads since I joined BYC. Most of our hens are named after the Golden Girls.. Blanch, Betty, Dorothy, etc. But i did have one, my favorite girl who died from prolapse. her name was Mrs. T, short for Tastes Like me.
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We recently moved 10 of our young bantam chickens to the bantam coop from the brooder coop. my dh was trying to catch one of them and it kept getting away from him , he would say dammit come here so hence the name stuck




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LMAO I started cracking up and told DH this and now we have to name three of ours the same!
My head hen got called scrappy doo, my maran is big Bertha, the two legbars are sail bum (because of the way they wiggle their tails) the buff orpingtons are butterball and since my silki bantam decided she could beat up an orpington she is now Rambo!
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My silkie's are.... Fluffy Mc flutter chick, josie, bare butt, piper and his sister poppy, twiglight, hen, rooster, and mitchie that's my silliest sillkie names cause I have other silkie's with normal names

My polish are.... Little boy blue and Little girl blue (blue polish), Romeo and Juliet,and a recently passed marble RIP my hen. That's all my polish

My americanas are..... rabbit, lady hawk, smokey, and I cant remember the other twos names

My Rhodes island is red

My barred rock × sillkie cross things are........ Steve the super awesome ultra ninja chicken, feather and ferdanan

Finally my polish×silkie×barred rock is...... the sad excuse for a chicken at all. She is six months and the size of a 3 month old

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