The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

hi guys. you think someone can sex my chick please. I am not an expert and this chick has a very red comb compared to my easter Eggers and I know that each breed is different. She/he is obviously A hatchery chick. the only SLW I have... And I don;t think she/he will ever have the lacing. She/he is def more black than anything...but we love her/him the same...

just worried cause the red comb and the thick legs. also likes to stand tall with her/his head in the air.

edited To Add that this chick was born april 12thish... about 2 months old

This is Zsa Zsa. I got her from the feed store. Her hatch date was 2/14/12 and she is very black at about the same age as yours.When yours starts her teen moulting, she may get more lace. I need to get current pics of Z as she is looking even more beautiful

5/2/12 Zsa Zsa on left, Roberta on right

5/17/12 13 weeks old here
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I hope someone on this thread can answer this.

What would the result be from a Silver Laced Wyandotte rooster and a Light Brahma hen?

Does anyone have a picture of such a cross?

This is not my picture, but it is a young silver laced light brahma cockeral,

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Thank you for posting the picture.

So that would be the result of a Silver Laced Wyandotte rooster and a Light Brahma hen?

It would be nice to see adult birds. But that gives me a good idea of what they could look like. Actually, that cockerel has pretty nice coloring.
Gorgeous birds everyone, I will post pics as soon as I am able, (since I am new here ;)) ~ I have 4 SLW that are just 1 1/2 weeks old today, they are funny little birds and always come running to the edge of the brooder to see what I'm up to. So curious, and yes, very noisy.

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