~*Third Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatch-Athon*~ all poultry welcome!

Got you added, SilkieSensation, and finally posted the chart you made Jessshan8.

I'm still staring at my birds, waiting oh, so patiently, for eggs. I did catch my peahen Ursula rooting around in one of the places I set up for her to lay in. I'm hoping she'll get going soon.

The 15" total we got dumped on us last week certainly didn't help a lot, but we're slowly warming up.

I'm going to be putting up a new pea aviary and may integrate the turkeys in there, too- but they don't always get along despite having been together from hatch.
I have 9 turkey eggs in for a fertility check right now. At least 2 of my 4 hens are laying & both toms are now strutting & gobbling. They seem to each be sticking with their own hens right now, but who knows what they do when we aren't watching. I hope they are mixing at least a little. I want some blue & lavender palms.
My young mixed breed hen hatched last Cinco de Mayo has already hatched a clutch of her own this last December! I didn't realize chickens could go broody at such a young age (6 months old). Hoping to participate again this year any of my chickens decide to go broody at an opportune time or if I find the Blue Ameraucana hatching eggs from a good breeder to incubate by then.

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I'll have a few peafowl eggs to set.. possibly some turkey eggs if the girls ever decide to start laying.. lol.. our tom has been busy .. but no sign of eggs yet unless they are hiding them!
We have no sign of eggs, either. I'm not at all sure when I was getting them last year, but I know it was later.

I'll add you Manningjw!

I'm due to have a big hatch in the next few days, then I'll be rolling in chicks again...argh!!!
Hi! I'll be following along this year!

I own and operate Pinwheel Farm, where ChooksChick's breeding flocks are now housed. I've raised broilers and layers off and on for decades, but this is my first real venture into breeding and hatching (hatched some of my goose eggs many years ago, before the coyotes got them). I'm so excited to be part of this!

This is the first time I've ever been around live domestic turkeys. I didn't think I'd like them...but I'm in love. Esp. Ruby, the BR hen. I met Rhett just before his demise (did ChooksChick mention the suspect was a cougar?)...he was SO beautiful! Sounds like there's several options here for us to get another BR tom for Ruby. Yay!

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