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Well, my last batch of TJ eggs had all but one fertile if I remember correctly. I checked them. We ate 4, they were fertile, set 8, one was not fertile, one gave up and one died at pipping. that's why I have 5. We've set all 12 this time, I broke one accidentally and it was fertile, So I think the chances that most of them are fertile are pretty high :)

My husband tells me he read that Leghorns are resistant to coccidiosis. That's reassuring to know, eh?
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I just looked at five of them again, and saw dark yolks in all and very light veining in 3 of them. I stopped looking because I know I'll be checking them tomorrow. I don't want to disturb them so often. Obviously it's a little early to really see veins (though I know I saw light pink lines in 3 eggs) What I saw was very light, and I only recognized them because I did so much candling before. I probably wouldn't see it if it was my first time (took me a long time to be able to "focus" or something the first time around, but once you know what you're looking for it's easier to see. I'll go through all of them tomorrow and report my totals :) Also, they're so light, I'm sure they'd never show up in a photo. Tonight is the 3rd night, so until 7:30/8 AM, they're still not 3 days old ;P
Try not to mess with them too much, too much jostling might disturb them too much and cause them to quit?? When I look at them, I try to keep them in the same position that I picked them up in (the X and O's help direction) mine are at about 30-45 degree angles in a carton, so I keep them upright, in the half way position of their rotation angle and I try to get them quickly back into the incubator so that I cause as little disturbance as possible.

Give it until day 4, I know you'll see the veins then :)
Ok, so I just canled all 11 eggs and there is veining in all but 2 of them. Those two are farthest from the heat source and otherwise look the same as the rest with darkened yolk. I think they're just a touch behind. The veins I see are very light, so the two I don't see veins in could very well simply be slightly behind the rest. They're not one of the ones I couldn't see veins in last night when candling, and those now have veins... so I might have 100% fertility (the one I broke was fertile)

I hope you're having just as good a luck as I am with your eggs, Alex? If you don't see anything yet, seriously, your eyes have to get used to looking for the right thing, so it might be there but you haven't recognized it yet. After you finally see it, suddenly you're able to see it in most all the rest :)

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