Trader Joes & Other Grocery Store Egg Hatching Club - Are you a Member

Their legs should be going blue by now. Where did you get them?

I see two pullets--The others look like cockerels.

Thanks ron... I have 3 pullets and cockerels going by what you have said! Im happy with that. They look like they will be yellow legged white hens, the kind you see in the cruel poultry crates.
My mom picked up 2 dozen Trader Joe eggs for me on her trip. Best mom ever! The Juliain date is 202 so they should be 8days old. I can't wait to see if they hatch! I've been wanting to join the Trader Joe hatching club for a long time!

Lucky you! Welcome!!! And good luck
Thanks ron... I have 3 pullets and cockerels going by what you have said! Im happy with that. They look like they will be yellow legged white hens, the kind you see in the cruel poultry crates.
Yes, the do look good!

For some reason I was thinking bresse when I posted.

My TJs cockerels had big combs and wattles so you can tell early with them.
Well out of 6 store bought duck eggs, 3 made it to hatch. 2 died and 1 survived. Massive amounts of sticky though. Here's Martini:
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Well out of 6 store bought duck eggs, 3 made it to hatch. 2 died and 1 survived. Massive amounts of sticky though. Here's Martini:
What a cute little thing!

Ducks can be a challenge to hatch when they are shipped so it makes sense that a store egg could be hard to hatch too.
I picked up some duck eggs at whole foods. They wern't marked "fertile" but I thought I would give them a try, just in case. None developed. Got some trader joe eggs in the incubator right now looks like 11 are still going strong, 10 days to go. I heard Winco over in Corvallis sells turkey eggs, I just might have to give them a try on my next grocery store hatching adventure...
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It still amazes me that this is possible. I realize the hatch rates are not great, but what a feat! A town within about an hour's drive from us is getting a Trader Joe's at the end of the month. I hope they end up carrying fertile eggs as I hear not all of them do.

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