What do you do for a living?

Wow!! That's great! Good Cluck!! LOL

I was a SAHM for 13 yrs, worked for 7 and now back home as a SAHM...I love it!!

I love it so much! But it def has its ups and downs lol... I have plenty to do right now but once my baby, who well isn't actually a baby at all but don't tell him that, starts school I think I will be bored--Im that crazy person who always has to have something to do.
Awww....that is a common concern but when they are in school you once again have more time on your hands to do what you WANT! It can be the best of both worlds!!

This is true, my son has given us quite a few scares so its going to be a huge step for me when he gets into school lol so even when I have time Im probably just going to worry
Sadly he is anaphylactic to peanuts which makes for some serious anxiety when he's not with me, and then toss in another couple hundred clumsy kiddos and its a train wreak in my mind. We have talked about homeschooling but we shall see, I have to let go at some point!
I am a hairstylist, soon to be part-time so I can be at home more to give our little farm more love. DH works in gate automation and access systems and *hopefully* soon branching out with his own company. Starting part-time soon, I'd love to know what people here have going as a home based income..it would be great to find an income supplement since we are about to half my income! What do you do to make a few extra bucks from home?
I am an Arbonne Consultant full time. I've been with them for 6.5 years and it's been my full time income for 5 years. I don't want to advertise here (not sure what the rules are on that), but if you want more info, feel free to pm me.
im a machinist for caterpillar i love it, all the shops i used to work at for the last 14 years I would never have time to raise chickens or rabbits I barely had time for my kids and my dogs. But now i only work four days a week so i have all the time in the world. It's nice to have found a balance between work and home.
My paid, full-time job is regional operations manager for a multi-family service company, my division renovates and upgrades the interiors of apartment complexes. My part-time job is administrative support for my husband's construction contracting business. We currently have two roosters, seven hens, two guineas, five Marans chicks, and eggs from Fred's Hens Barred Rocks in my incubator. Getting two Bee nuc's for my hives in about a month, and hopefully a couple of goats too. Add that to my gardening, and that's pretty much my life!
I work for a Community Action Agency providing direct client services to low-income households.
DH is currently working for the Dept. of Veterans' Affairs for our state as an employee of the Indiana Veterans' Memorial Cemetery.
I'm a teacher. I used to be a research chemist, but decided to teach instead. This is my sixteenth year(I think). I teach advanced chemistry. I'd love to be a stay at home mom. I've got five children ranging in age from 21 to 2. We just can't do without my income.

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