What treat did your chickies get today?

Well since I was home from work Friday, I decided to let my girlies out to roam (which i cant do because of neighborhood dogs) so they could enjoy the grass and all the acorns they wanted. Did they eat that? NO!!! My flock followed me around and kept climbing on my lap so I had to share my lunch with them. It was an italian calzone pizza! I even gave them the tomato chunky sauce that comes with it! Spoiled brats! But I wouldn`t have it any other way. :) Saturday was a huge cabbage head that they all rolled around as they ate on it. All this in addition to their normal staple of layer pellets and some scratch. Today, Sunday, not too sure yet. Had to work this morning in the 73degree weather. What a shame... ;-p lol
This morning along with their feed and scratch they got a nice plate of oatmeal with raisins and honey, course by the time it got to them it wasn't warm.
If you don't mind a relative Noob posting...

I fed mine Day old donuts and Apples today. Boy did I get the "happy noise"!
I've been putting hot water in rabbit food, mixing whole oats with it and a little bit of fruit for my chickies and hot water, rabbit food, spinach and corn for my ducks. They also have scratch and dry oatmeal in a feeder. They seem to like it. 30 degrees is cold for Florida.
Split pea soup with butt load of ham.
Not sure how much a treat it was as my partners kids did'nt seem to like it so much. Oh well, more for me and my girls.
Today, my flock got a shopping bag full of last nights leftover salad fixings and peelings. I also set out a new Flock Block for them to hammer on after they ate their daily feed. Boy they love those Flock Blocks! lol

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