What treat did your chickies get today?

My girls got watermelon! So fun to watch these girls eat this. Alice, my polish girl. Is the funniest of all. She was so excited twitching her head side to side with her little top knot flapping in the breeze. She was gobbling up melon as fast as she could. You would have thought the poor thing had been starved.
Ours go berserk for blueberries. I don't give them often, because that level of excitement leads to a lot of noise and motion and I don't like it.

What I've been doing today is giving them grape quarters, in exchange for being picked up and put down in hock-high cold water. They like the grapes, they dislike being picked up, and I don't know what their thoughts are on the water. At least it gives both of us something to focus on -- I can't reward 'be picked up' because I don't have a spare hand for the treat.
just bought a bag of mealworm + oats from petsmart yesterday..

not a lot of mealworms in it though..

guess i have to look somewhere else..

what's a good place to buy mealworms?

I get mine from Sunshine Acres online. They ship quickly, the worms are healthy and the prices are great

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