What treat did your chickies get today?

I tried parsnips shavings and carrot peels and they turned their noses up. Are the peels too wet or long. should I chop them. I'll have to try oatmeal with them. Haven't done that yet.
I microwaved a sweet potato for my flock today. After it cooled, I placed it on the run floor. They eyed it with great suspicion! Then I realized I should be double sure that it was cool inside, so I poked a hole in it with my finger. When I placed it back on the floor of the run they saw the hole and immediately "savaged" the potato! There was a piece of potato skin about the size of a playing card remaining when I left for work.
Left over air popped popcorn...not that they wanted it. It snowed last night and I'm getting a lot of 'lip' from the flock who feel it is entirely my fault.

Ha! Mine do the same thing when it snows! You never heard such grumbling! It is the funniest thing! They MUST think WE ARE personally responsible!
Today mine had leftover bean soup and leftover broccoli! It was warmer today so they were out scratching around rather than huddling in their coop!
Ha! Mine do the same thing when it snows! You never heard such grumbling! It is the funniest thing! They MUST think WE ARE personally responsible!
Today mine had leftover bean soup and leftover broccoli! It was warmer today so they were out scratching around rather than huddling in their coop!
I felt so bad about keeping them locked up during the frigid temps this week that they got a whole pumpkin pie.
tnspursfan- yes mine love spaghetti also. This afternoon I tried oatmeal with them. They LOVED it. Tomorrow I will try the leftover sweetpotatoes I have in the fridge. They were quite rambunctious today after being in the coop for three days. They literally RAN out of the door this morning.
Today my chicken treat surprise was apples, carrots, celery, left over pasta, half a can of cat food, probiotic yogurt and some scratch mixed in topped with sunflower seeds.

They see me coming!! Finally some nicer weather to be out and about.

nomnomnomnomnom yummy mum! thanks!!


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