Whole foods?

you crack me up!

6 goldfish??

Are they the little ones that stay in an indoor tank or those big ones that people keep in ponds?
wait a minute...im thinking of the koi fish...i think.
Just rode the bike for like 33 minutes haha

Wow that is great!
I too have an indoor bike that has been collecting dust for the last yer or so..
since ya'll are both doing something...ill go ride some today too!

I made friends yesterday with a new mom from my youngest son's boycott group.
She is a walker...like me (bad knees don't do good for running)..
We made a deal with each other to start walking everyday..together.
Will will start Monday once we drop all the kids off at school.
I like days where we cut firewood or haul/stack hay. Those are days when I treat myself to a big dinner! I burn so many calories working that I feel totally justified enjoying a big fried chicken dinner...mmmm....
Wow thank you so much for all the wonderful help and advice everyone! It's all very useful. Appreciate the support too as I thought surely there'd be someone mad at my choices thus far LOL

I'll definitely be using the advice and recipes and the bit about the milkfat is interesting too.

As for farm stands/farmer's markets, yes, I think there are some around. There are probably several actually. There's one not too far that I think has one every month or every week or some such thing, I will have to look for a schedule and start going down there. There's also a garden place just minutes down the street that also has a little store that has vegetables, mostly in the summer, but they might be a little expensive. I'll have to start looking for the farm stands.

I never thought about smoothies like that either. Well, I've actually made some a few times, but with a regular blender and with some yogurt and milk. Not sure that part is healthy? And of course no veggies lol or at least not many, I usually make it with some spinach and kale and then like strawberries and blueberries. I'll have to start mixing it up and adding more veggies and fruits. That's a good idea.

I mostly drink water anyway since soda started giving me a headache a few years ago. But then I started drinking it again and now Coke doesn't so I do get that when I go out to like Subway or something. But I don't drink it at home. But I've been eating out a lot lately and Coke is like the worst soda of all so I need to stop it.

Thankfully I don't drink or smoke or anything but my parents do and they've mentioned the sugar in alcohol. It's amazing.

My dad is actually going to PT for a hip replacement he had I guess maybe 2 months ago now? And has to do exercises at home too. So I was thinking maybe I should start doing some of the exercises with him and/or we should start eating healthy together lol

My dad is especially big on the carbs, he usually has an English muffin every morning, either as a sandwich with egg, or with jelly on it.

I actually just had my physical today and I had blood work before it a few weeks ago. Apparently my blood sugar was a little bit high but he does think it was probably just a fluke or something so I had it retested. I did fast before it (12 hrs) so it's weird it was still high but I'm not too worried because like he said, it was probably a fluke, plus that week I had also eaten horribly, way worse than normal haha

But it does mean that I do need to start being more conscientious of what I eat and of exercising because even if this one was just a false alarm or fluke or whatever maybe the next one won't be.

Believe me when I tell you that your high sugar test is a warning. I wish I had paid attention to it before I came down with Type 2 Diabetes. I had a high test and I was overweight and my Dr ignored it. Start now on a low carb diet and you prevent much pain in the future. Follow the portion control labels for carbs. 25 grams for snacks, 45-50 grams for meals. High sugar tests after fasting means your pre diabetic. Don't fool yourself, this disease is a *****, I wouldn't face the truth and now I'm paying for it. Get a meter for testing your blood sugar at the drug store you don't need a prescription, they don't cost that much and just test yourself after eating to see how you really are. I don't mean to be a nag, but it can hit you quickly, and the drugs and insulin are expensive. The good thing is you should never eat fat free diet. Fat slows the sugar release into your blood stream. Pick up a book on Diabetes, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. God Bless.
Yeah iceburg lettuce is pretty much useless as a vegetable. I only eat it when I'm out and am not given other lettuce options, I never buy it. So spinach is the better choice. And if it turns out it's just not the veggie option for you, try something else. You'll get used to adding them if you make it a habit.

I would say try going easy on the mayo, there's enough mayo on 6" of that sandwich for me to make egg salad for 3 sandwiches.

But good for you trying to make changes. It's a gradual process but we all have to start somewhere.
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Keep adding more veggies.. try not to look at them, just eat them and I bet you won't even notice they are there.
I know you watch Netflix...
watch these:
Super Size Me
Food Choices
Food, Inc.

All very very good informative shows.
I saw Super Size Me a while ago but could watch it again. Some of the others I've been meaning to watch and some i havent heard of so i will look into it

Did you see how after eating that food for 30 straight days how much damage it had done to his body
Crazy huh...and he was super healthy before he started that 30 plan.

You really should watch food matters first..
it talks about how people think they can eat a ton of something that is really good for you and it will make up for eating a little bad stuff...it totally does not work that way.

Very interesting shows and eye openers.
I think they should be required to show most of them to school age children. lol but I know that will never happen.
One of the shows even mentions just how bad reese's candy is for you and why..I thought it was a "good" candy because it had chocolate and peanut butter...
I will eat one every now and then but I do not buy them like I use to.

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