Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hey... I am looking at putting a bed of asaparagus in... what strains do you like the best and is this the best time to plant it?
Vicki...even though it is a little warmer down south, still going to have to buy some of my starter plants... spring is lasting too long and I am loosing lots of starter plants I have. Going to set up my little 5 x5 greenhouse this weekend adn get some plants outside. hope they make it!
We have a little over 400 asparagus plants and we add 50 a year to replace some of the older plants 20 years is the lifespan. We like a strain called " Purple Passion" from Jungs. It is sweeter and softer than the green stuff. It also turns green when you cook it for those with color issues with food.
Morning ya all......... spend all night waiting to see what is up with hubby they still hadn't gotten back to him by 9am..... so he called them, well first they sent him and his broke truck and trailer to a dealer who couldn't help don't do Frieghtliners, so now he is heading out to the Big Dealer in Mount Vernon, with his trailer........... I'm surprised they did not send someone to get that at least because it is already late........
but NO drag the trailer behind the broke rig no instrument panel, and no Qualcomm either paper logs till fixed......... gggrrrrrrrrr I really hate his job, bad enough I miss him, worse that he needs help and I can't be there with him, to if nothing else lend moral support, and just be there, God life sure likes to throw ya some trying things to deal with.......... Plus now I'm even more worried because driving without the instrument panel is almost like like driving blind....TG its only 70 miles.... And TG I know he's tough, and will deal with it, but I hate it that he is alone.........So thats the update for this am.......... hopefully when he gets there it won't be another day or 2 b4 its fixed, because he is sitting with no pay again because his truck isn't moving......... Did I mention how much I hate this job............... gggrrrrrrrr, maybe I wouldn't feel so screwed over if he actually got a paycheck worth having , but he got more money on unemployment and at least he was home........what are suppose to do with a lousy 200 dollars a week when it cost him a 100 to be out there, and he's running none stop Monday to Friday or Sat. 2000 or 2500 miles for almost nothing...........Kim..
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Morning ya all......... spend all night waiting to see what is up with hubby they still hadn't gotten back to him by 9am..... so he called them, well first they sent him and his broke truck and trailer to a dealer who couldn't help don't do Frieghtliners, so now he is heading out to the Big Dealer in Mount Vernon, with his trailer........... I'm surprised they did not send someone to get that at least because it is already late........
but NO drag the trailer behind the broke rig no instrument panel, and no Qualcomm either paper logs till fixed......... gggrrrrrrrrr I really hate his job, bad enough I miss him, worse that he needs help and I can't be there with him, to if nothing else lend moral support, and just be there, God life sure likes to throw ya some trying things to deal with.......... Plus now I'm even more worried because driving without the instrument panel is almost like like driving blind....TG its only 70 miles.... And TG I know he's tough, and will deal with it, but I hate it that he is alone.........So thats the update for this am.......... hopefully when he gets there it won't be another day or 2 b4 its fixed, because he is sitting with no pay again because his truck isn't moving......... Did I mention how much I hate this job............... gggrrrrrrrr, maybe I wouldn't feel so screwed over if he actually got a paycheck worth having , but he got more money on unemployment and at least he was home........what are suppose to do with a lousy 200 dollars a week when it cost him a 100 to be out there, and he's running none stop Monday to Friday or Sat. 2000 or 2500 miles for almost nothing...........Kim..

I hear ya Kim! My hubby has been in the same boat. Thankfully he starts a new job in two weeks. It was a really rough winter with him gone. And too many times just sitting somewhere waiting or a load or ending up with a 34 hour restart stuck in the middle of no where. Dispatch even had him picking up loads and dropping them 10 miles away because the other guy didn't want to do a live unload. Its just too hard all the way around.

Hope things get better! I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya.
Morning ya all......... spend all night waiting to see what is up with hubby they still hadn't gotten back to him by 9am..... so he called them, well first they sent him and his broke truck and trailer to a dealer who couldn't help don't do Frieghtliners, so now he is heading out to the Big Dealer in Mount Vernon, with his trailer........... I'm surprised they did not send someone to get that at least because it is already late........
but NO drag the trailer behind the broke rig no instrument panel, and no Qualcomm either paper logs till fixed......... gggrrrrrrrrr I really hate his job, bad enough I miss him, worse that he needs help and I can't be there with him, to if nothing else lend moral support, and just be there, God life sure likes to throw ya some trying things to deal with.......... Plus now I'm even more worried because driving without the instrument panel is almost like like driving blind....TG its only 70 miles.... And TG I know he's tough, and will deal with it, but I hate it that he is alone.........So thats the update for this am.......... hopefully when he gets there it won't be another day or 2 b4 its fixed, because he is sitting with no pay again because his truck isn't moving......... Did I mention how much I hate this job............... gggrrrrrrrr, maybe I wouldn't feel so screwed over if he actually got a paycheck worth having , but he got more money on unemployment and at least he was home........what are suppose to do with a lousy 200 dollars a week when it cost him a 100 to be out there, and he's running none stop Monday to Friday or Sat. 2000 or 2500 miles for almost nothing...........Kim..

Oh, Kim! I hope things start going better! What a bummer!
Thanks JJ... I have a new 4 x4 bed that I want to do with asparagus and another 4x4 bed...not sure what is going in there yet. Wanted to contain it because I know it can spready easily. Will look up the purple! Might get dd to actualy eat it!~
Hi Everyone. Been a while since I have been on the forum. Starting to wind down my hatching of chickens, still have some chicks to sell, mostly all Ameraucanas, both buff and black. May have a few spitzhaubens, blue cochin and Marans coming up soon yet. Ducks just getting started. Very bad fertility on geese, and the few that are fertile havent hatched. Hope I can get a few anyway (all colored sebastopols). Also looking for anyone who has any white runner ducks for sale. Lost a hen, and had to sell a male, as it doesnt work too well with only one hen and 2 drakes. Prefer just a hen or 2, but would buy a pair or trio, or even some babies, just to get some new bloodlines. Need not be top show quality, but have to be good and upright.

Hope spring gets here sometime so I can get more of the babies out of the basement. Keeping chicks down there till 4-6 weeks is not fun, especially with over a hundred at a time.

Stay warm everyone

Thanks JJ... I have a new 4 x4 bed that I want to do with asparagus and another 4x4 bed...not sure what is going in there yet. Wanted to contain it because I know it can spready easily. Will look up the purple! Might get dd to actualy eat it!~
Ours does not spread much. It can't be cut for a couple years after you plant it either. Read up first. You may not need the plant bed. Up to you. I could spare some for you to taste also. If it ever warms up enough to grow. Reminds that I need to get out there and mow down last years growth yet. Not today I think
Ours does not spread much. It can't be cut for a couple years after you plant it either. Read up first. You may not need the plant bed. Up to you. I could spare some for you to taste also. If it ever warms up enough to grow. Reminds that I need to get out there and mow down last years growth yet. Not today I think

I just cleared out my asparagus beds - didn't know they were there until they went to seed last fall. I have no idea how old they are so it will be interesting to see what comes up. This old place has some old apple trees, grapes, raspberries, mint, garlic chives, and rhubarb, too. I'm always finding some nice surprise growing here. Can't wait to plant the garden!
Morning all!

well, at least we are not getting snow (sorry Angibubs) just lots of rain. Maybe by this pm I will actually be able to see where my garlic is planted

I hope we don't have a sadistic weather man and he is telling the truth about we could be in the 60's by Sunday. Boy, I really, really, hope so! I have GOT to get that greenhouse moved and the coop remodel done, NOW or I won't be able to get my tomatoes planted into the greenhouse and my other stuff into the ground! Gave up on putting in anything like snow peas since the fence they should already be planted next to but aren't because the ground is still under snow has to be taken down to move the greenhouse.
I hate the idea of buying all my starter plants
! I have NEVER had to do that before. I have bags of heirloom saved seed but it was just too cold to even try to start. Good thing I didn't, they would have been taking over the house by now because the girls are still using the greenhouse to be able to get some sun/dust bathe AND I have got to get the little pterodactyls out of my front window, which is where my indoor grow lights for my starter plants should have been

Anyway, you "southern" folks bragging about the warm weather???
35o this morning was like a heat wave but now it's already dropped below freezing.
Well, since we have to go to Greenbay again today anyway, the weather might as well be crappy. At least we be stopping at TSC on the way back and of course we will hit Nueske's too!

Colton~you really need to take pics of the babies dusting!

CS~I understand why you are not supplying pics

Now I have to go clean up the mess I can hear the pterodactyls making! Oh, I have named 2, Stirfry (after the sweet rescue that only lived a few months) and Dumpling. Looking for ideas for the third, any suggestions??? Keeping with the theme of my other girls already named Crockpot, Noodle, Soup and Fricassee.

TTFN back later!!!
I owe Carol a BCM Male..can you give her the one you have? I will pm and make arrangement on paying you for him.
How about . . . Cordon Bleu and Pot Pie (PP for short)

Ours does not spread much. It can't be cut for a couple years after you plant it either. Read up first. You may not need the plant bed. Up to you. I could spare some for you to taste also. If it ever warms up enough to grow. Reminds that I need to get out there and mow down last years growth yet. Not today I think
We bought our place two years ago and it had sat vacant for two years prior to that. The first year the front field was so over grown (thistles as tall as me, and I'm 6ft!!), that I didn't even see the existing asparagus. Once we cut everything down I was excited to see a row about 25 - 30 feet long, but it is very spotty. We mowed around the plants last year, picked quite a bit, but since our plan is to sell produce we want to fill in between the current plants and expand this from one to three rows. What is your advice on prepping the area? Because of the weeds and all, I'm thinking it would be good to scrape the sod and around and as close to the existing plants, then plant bare root, my husband bought a big bag of seeds from Jung and thought he would sprinkle that around. I'm thinking that seed wouldn't amount to anything for 4-5 years. Also, if we prep the area sometime in the next week or two will it damage the existing crop?? Also I thought I read that lime is good for asparagus, if so spread it now or after the harvest? Sorry for all the questions

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