My Little Flock of Easter Eggers:
we had a photo shoot today :)

Buttons, 20 weeks. She found her way into my flower bed this morning. I had to snap a few pics before putting her back in her pen because she looked so cute, until she began eating all my flowers.






Buttons is looking right into the camera, after this picture she pecked the camera lens.

Buttons joined her sisters in this crazy contraption I made yesterday.



Brownie, 20 weeks. She is taking a nice dust bath, a.k.a destroying all my grass.

Buttercup is posing nicely for a picture. She has always been the most photo-genic of the three.


Buttons s being closely stalked, I mean guarded, by my dog Jeter.

My 3 peas in a pod.

Too cute. Now they are all taking dust baths together. AHHH my grass.

I love my 3 chickens. They have been together ever since they were two days old when I bought them from a local farmer. Ever since, I have not been able to separate them. Wherever one goes, the others follow. It is just so cute!