Difference between Easter Eggers and Ameraucanas! With Review. (Optional)

Awesome article, very informative and useful.
Great article Emma, so many people get confused between the two. This will be a lot of help to them!
Great listing of all the differences between the two! I like how it goes over every point in detail!
Great article! I was always confused between the EE and the Ameraucana. This article helped me a lot in understanding the differences! I thought I had some Ameraucanas but turns out they are EE! Thanks!
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I love this! it's very clear and lists all the differences
I hope it helsp some more people tell the difference :D
Thank you for this. I bought my first 4 hens from a reputable breeder two years ago, they are nice examples of their breed and sweet temperaments. My neighbor talked me into taking 3 chicks from his 6 chick minimum purchase. They were sold as Ameraucanas but after reading your article it is apparent they must be Easter Eggers. Yellow greenish legs and feet, they’re are only a couple weeks old. It’s no issue to me, healthy and friendly is my biggest criteria.
I'm glad I clicked on the link in your signature Emma! Otherwise I would never have known!

This is so cool... Before I just thought that they were the same! And there are so many different spellings too!
Just wow!:eek:
Thanks so much for writing this article!
Great article! Now I know all my "Ameraucana" hens are actually Easter Eggers. (Sigh)
Thank you so much! I finally decided to read this, and wow! There’s a lot I didn’t know! I was tricked when I first got a chick, being told it was an Ameraucana (that’s how you spell it, right?) and now am sad that it’s truly an EE (though Yuki is still an amazing chicken)

I’ve know partially how to tell the difference, and it always bothers me when someone makes a mistake (even though it’s usually an honest mistake)

Also, I like to joke about Ameraucanas and Buff Orpingtons, but if that bothers you I can stop.

Anyway, thanks for writing this!
Nope. Doesn't bother me at all. It takes a lot to bother me, and joking about breeds most certainly does not. I joke about BOs too. ? And thanks!
Excellent information with helpful pictures.
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Another very good article! I had heard Easter Eggers were hybrids, but knew very little else except egg colors. Picked up a lot of very good information. Thanks! :love
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I learned a lot from them
Great details, pictorials, and overall helpfulness! :D
I found this quite informative. Thanks, @EmmaRainboe for writing this article.
Thank you for breaking the identifying features down by type( feet, legs, combs, etc)... that is very helpful. Pictures are always appreciated.
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Magnificent job. When I joined byc I joined as AMERAUCANAS4REAL because I wanted people to understand the true meaning of Ameraucanas. Then I realized I really like d’Anvers better. Thank you for delivering this information to future generations.
This is extremely well done!! This answered all my questions thank you so much!!!!! It’s an A+ from me!! 😝
Amazing job outlining all of the differences in a clear, concise way, while also being amazingly informative. I love to see people going deeper into this subject!
I am also an ?Ameraucana Spell Checker? and I do not know why people misslable EEs, they are NOT Ameraucanas or Araucanas, WHY?!!
Very informative, thank you for this article!
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