Griffin Nest - Homepage

~ My Articles ~

•My Birds• | •Builds• | •Hatches•

How to: Build a Homemade Incubator | How to: Build a Chick Brooder | How to: Build a Bird Cage

How to: Use the ChickBator | How to: Build an Automatic Egg Turner | How to: Candle Eggs

~ Other Helpful Articles ~
*These articles were not written by me*

| Breeding Mealworms | Egg Candling | Treats Guide | Growing Fodder | Chicken Health | Wing Clipping |

My Coop

I live in the city and cannot allow my birds to free range like I would hope, someday I hope to do so! Currently I have 2 Chinese Painted Button Quail because they are small, quiet, perfect for the city, and still fun! They live in a homemade 2 x 4 cage. Inside I put little plastic plant decorations, rocks, and a pan of sand to bathe in.

This page is dedicated to help inform beginners who are planning to start hatching birds.
- Please visit my articles listed above! I wrote them after my -
experience with these birds.
I hope you find them helpful!
(Some are unfinished)

Photo Albums




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