How to Help a Chicken with an Eye that has been wounded

If you have experienced the issue where your chicken has been picked on our been in a fight and their eye(s) end up looking like this, you may think all hope is lost, but today I shall show you that all hope is not lost. I have had the issue where both a rooster and a drake of mine have ended up getting into a fight with something to protect their ladies and end up looking like this. Me being the person I am, I didn't give up on them and instead treated them.
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(Picture credits to @All4Eggz as I never took any pictures of my rooster or drake while they were experiencing this problem)
As soon as you see it in this condition, immediately take it to a dark, secluded, draft-free area (preferably a x-large dog crate in your basement or shed). Give him/her some sugar water and some feed. Then take a clean paper towel damped with water and gently clean the "gunk" out of the eye. After you get as much of the "gunk" out the eye as you can, give him two dropper fulls of Colloidal Silver orally (in the mouth), as well as putting some in the eye itself. You will need to repeat this process 2-5X daily until you start to see the eye clearing, as well as clearing out the "gunk" whenever it needs it. When he/she is doing better, you can put him/her back in the rest of their flock, but continue to keep a close eye on them.
The Colloidal Silver will keep out infection, if the eye is already infected, you may be too late.

PLEASE NOTE: This does not always work, but it did for me, and hopefully it will for you as well!

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(Picture credits to @MapleValleyAcresPoultry, myself. This is my SLW rooster who I treated and now is very healthy.)

This is probably the shortest article I have ever wrote, but I still hope it helps and you don't loose hope for your injured chicken! Let me know what you think!