Dylan and Angie's back yard chicken tractor.
I built this chicken tractor out of scrap laying around my house with the exception of the wire and wheels, its functional now but still not quite finished, I've realized that there are a few improvements to make not to mention some touch up painting.
My dad helping me roof the hutch
Looking at the back into the hutch
Trap door for easy chicken entrance/exit access
Inside the hutch
Front of 98% done Tractor
Back of almost complete hutch
side showing ladder and trap door
Our baby Barred Rocks
Our two very bossy red stars
Well I wish I had taken more pictures through the whole building process but oh well. I still plan to improve the wheel system and cut a front door into the hutch as interior access is bad. Also I did not plan how I would clean it so I have to do do something. I will add more pictures when done and also of my two turkeys.
Thanks for looking, Dylan

I built this chicken tractor out of scrap laying around my house with the exception of the wire and wheels, its functional now but still not quite finished, I've realized that there are a few improvements to make not to mention some touch up painting.

My dad helping me roof the hutch

Looking at the back into the hutch

Trap door for easy chicken entrance/exit access

Inside the hutch

Front of 98% done Tractor

Back of almost complete hutch

side showing ladder and trap door

Our baby Barred Rocks

Our two very bossy red stars
Well I wish I had taken more pictures through the whole building process but oh well. I still plan to improve the wheel system and cut a front door into the hutch as interior access is bad. Also I did not plan how I would clean it so I have to do do something. I will add more pictures when done and also of my two turkeys.
Thanks for looking, Dylan