Chicken Breed Info:
Breed Purpose:
Dual Purpose
Comb: Single
Broodiness: Frequent
Climate Tolerance: All Climates

General Egg Info:
Egg Productivity:
Egg Size: Large
Egg Color: Brown

Breed Temperament:
Friendly,Easily handled,Bears confinement well,Noisy,Docile

Breed Colors / Varieties:
Breed Details:
I currently have 6 New Hampshire Reds and they are the best birds ever! I can handle them really well and they are not flighty like smaller breeds. All of my birds come running to me when they see a bread bag or some leftovers. My New Hampshires lay an egg every day and 99% of the time it's a very large egg. My hens get along with my other birds very well and are very heavy birds. Most of them weigh about 7 to 8 pounds and they feather out very quickly.





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