The TEMP coop
In the awaitin of the "super coop" Noah and I built a temperary coop for 4 hens that are 1 year old and already laying. We built this May 16th and 17th and picked the ladies up on the 18th, 09 . I took an old shipping crate I had laying around for 2 yrs and some leftovers and scraps from building the house. Its not pretty, but it only cost me $25.00 to build the WEE lil Hen House. When the big coop gets down this will be the brooder/ hospital unit.. LOL Enjoy the pictures
103_1158.jpg The end result (shingles are trimmed here) 103_1139.jpg This is Noah and are starting point 103_1152.jpg Heres is the almost finsihed front 103_1151.jpg and the drop down doors in the back, 1 is screened, one is for egg collecting.​