Hello and welcome to Crow's Roost Farm (as we are now officially named!), home of:
Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas
Quail D'Anvers
Easter Eggers
Other Bantams!
We are located on a small plot of land in rural New Hampshire with a single barn, a garden and a few crab apple trees. We started out with only a dozen assorted bantams 7 years ago this June. Since then our numbers have increased to over 50 birds and we have recently started getting into the breeding scene. We hope to begin regularly attending shows in 2013 once our breeding flocks are up and running. We currently have small numbers of hatching eggs available (see below). Later on this season we hope to graduate to offering some started birds with a few chicks already on the ground and eggs already well on thier way to hatching. Currently we are working on building up our breeding flocks (focusing on Seramas and Ameraucanas) to bring you the hardiest and best quality birds possible!
Available Hatching Eggs:
Limited numbers of Serama Hatching Eggs
Available Started Birds:
No started birds currently available
Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas
Quail D'Anvers
Easter Eggers
Other Bantams!
We are located on a small plot of land in rural New Hampshire with a single barn, a garden and a few crab apple trees. We started out with only a dozen assorted bantams 7 years ago this June. Since then our numbers have increased to over 50 birds and we have recently started getting into the breeding scene. We hope to begin regularly attending shows in 2013 once our breeding flocks are up and running. We currently have small numbers of hatching eggs available (see below). Later on this season we hope to graduate to offering some started birds with a few chicks already on the ground and eggs already well on thier way to hatching. Currently we are working on building up our breeding flocks (focusing on Seramas and Ameraucanas) to bring you the hardiest and best quality birds possible!
Available Hatching Eggs:
Limited numbers of Serama Hatching Eggs
Available Started Birds:
No started birds currently available