D'uccle Thread

Well, then I guess we need to discuss this further!

Sending you a PM...

where in Virginia? I am still trying to locate some D'uccles. I live in central Va. Anyone ship?

He is in Unionville, but doesn't have any d'Uccles yet.

GC, still just the two babies out this morning, and they are oh so cute! I am hopeing for lots more cuteness when I get home from work today!
Thank you Cynthia...I would be willing to send some eggs or help you in any way if you decided you'd like to have some at a later date
They really are a stunning color and I'm mezzzzmorizzzzed with them
Thanks Aubrey, I appreciate that hun. I am kinda proud of her and hope the rest turn out as nice. Would love to see your silver d's...are they posted on your Dan list?
Thank you Cynthia...I would be willing to send some eggs or help you in any way if you decided you'd like to have some at a later date
They really are a stunning color and I'm mezzzzmorizzzzed with them

Well, aren't you sweet! I wish I had a place for them and who knows? Maybe later on I will. Mesmerized is a good word for what I'm feeling about the silvers !
JustAChickenLittle&More :

Gypsy, I hear ya on the high humidity. I talked to the guy I bought a new incubator from. He sells on ebay. I asked him about where to put the water as it has two places one in the middle (smaller) and then a larger on the bottom near the outside rim. It is circular! He told me to fill both of them up. I did and got the best hatch I've had in a while. So, I don't know.

Well my exp has all been by trial and error, then I decided I was going to bump the humidity and just walk away. I did, and have had some of the best hatches this way and now it's just common practice...above 80% all the time now
SPOOK: "Now, what type of "restraint meds" do they give for incubators are us? Fresh corn and a bit of watermellon? (sorry, sick sense of humor)

Is that anything like the secret handshake of poultry passionates? You step up to your fellow D'uccle breeder, as each of you open your hand out flat, you both lean forward to pretend to "peck" at something... My DH's joke, I thought it was cute! (LOL shows how easily amused I am).

I do love the looks of those silver and Lemon D's. Nice colors! I put a few D' eggs into the bator this afternoon, I hope they do well.""

LMBO, Spooke your so right though!

AC hang in there and keep me posted on any new kido's.

yes hun I will keep you updated with pics so everyone can see the color as it (her
) matures.

Lori, you just cant be still about my "illness" can you
Some how I feel like I'm be picked on
These little monsters are turning 8 weeks old in a couple days. JoBeth still have no hackle color, but is larger than Lizzie. They are slowly getting their spots. They're still super-skittish but I hope with warmer weather and the move to the other coop in a few weeks, they'll settle down.




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