Recent content by AZchickens17

  1. AZchickens17

    Arizona Chickens

    OK. We used to have an australorp, and I am not sure if it was the breeder, but she was always sick and hiding and didn't seem to do well with the heat. Where could I get some?
  2. AZchickens17

    Arizona Chickens

    Hi there! I just discovered this thread and have some questions. We have a flock of four, and will be getting rid of 2 that have shown aggression and are still not laying after 35 weeks. We are looking to buy 6-8 more chicks and build an upgraded coop that can accommodate them. What breeds...
  3. AZchickens17

    What breeds would you recommend?

    :lau I know all chickens make noise. We live in an HOA so we need some breeds that are a little quieter. My leghorn mix is always throwing fits over who knows what, and screams all day, and my Easter Egger likes to join in when they are protesting.:lol:
  4. AZchickens17

    What breeds would you recommend?

    Hi, I am not sure if this is in the right forum, but I have a few questions on reestablishing flocks. We have had some issues with our current flock of four which originally started out at 8. We are getting rid of 2 hens that are not laying and rude, and want to add 6-8 more chickens and build...
  5. AZchickens17

    Help! Sluggish and Unresponsive Chicken!!

    UPDATE: She is slowly regaining health, but is still sick. I am thinking she possibly has worms? What do you recommend for worms?
  6. AZchickens17

    Hen With Prolapsed Vent Needs to Lay Egg

    I agree with Rickba. Try and lubricate the egg with some oil (preferably coconut or olive) and use a syringe to insert it into her vent. Sorry this happened:(
  7. AZchickens17

    Loose stools, losing weight, pale comb help please

    Hello. Has she been eating or drinking anything, and what do her poops look like? Could you attach some photos?
  8. AZchickens17

    I'm never gonna get an egg!!!

    Yeah that is possible.
  9. AZchickens17

    I'm never gonna get an egg!!!

    Lucky! My EE is over 30 weeks, and still no eggs. She squats, lays on the others' eggs, and sings an egg song, but doesn't lay eggs!:confused:
  10. AZchickens17

    I'm never gonna get an egg!!!

    How old are your hens?
  11. AZchickens17

    Is Colloidial Silver safe for Chickens?

    I know this is an old post, but I wanted to know if anyone knows the dosage for collodial silver? My chicken has been sick for almost a week and I think she would benefit form some silver.
  12. AZchickens17

    6 1/2 month old chickens still not laying.

    So, today my leghorn almost went broody. She hopped into the nest like she always does, but as I reached under her to check for eggs, she hissed at me. Then, about an hour later, she off again, singing an egg song, but no egg!:confused:
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