Recent content by Branderella

  1. Branderella

    Branderellas Page

    This is my first time having chickens!! I have myself four City-Chickens. * A Rhode Island Red named Henrietta ( I have to be quiet when I scold her or chase her back into the coop, my neighor's name is Henrietta* *A Silver Laced Wyondette named Grace* *An Easter Egger named Henny Penny* *A...
  2. Branderella

    Dog Food

    I always feed them layer pellets, but my pup is allergic to the food we have so I didnt want it to be thrown away. I think I will keep it til winter to add to their food!
  3. Branderella

    Dog Food

    Can I feed my flock Science Diet Dog food? It is grain and rice and buffalo meet. I just want to feed them a little for a bit of protein. Is it alright?
  4. Branderella


    Thank you! I hope this works quickly!
  5. Branderella


    How do I make up for the protein deficiency
  6. Branderella


    about 6 months ago my RIR and GSL pecked my araucana and SLW to death. Now my GSL is pecking herself almost bare around her butt and where her tail used to be. I noticed my RIR is getting bare and redish around her face, whats wrong? Please help. they are about a year old, they still lay...
  7. Branderella

    GSL- losing feathers & losing weight

    My 1 yr old GSL has been losing her tail feathers...I dont know if she is picking them out, or if they are falling. She is also getting skinnier...why?
  8. Branderella


    They are around 8 months old....about 35sq ft...but i let them into the yard everyday for hours. I just feed them layer pellets and cracked corn..and a little oyster shell
  9. Branderella


    Last week I noticed my EE was missing some feathers and was bleeding on her back ( about 2 in big ) it scabbed over, and she was fine. 2 days later they were back at it and pecked out her whole back (the size of my hand) to the bone. I had to kill her she could barely walk....So I have a GSL...
  10. Branderella

    Chicken laying on chicken?

    Today I came out to check on my hens and one was laying ontop of the other trying. They were both trying to lay an egg... why lay on each other??
  11. Branderella

    5X6 coop, how many?

    i have a 5x6 coop, how many full grown hens would be comfy?
  12. Branderella

    She changed her ways....

    tonight she laid it under the roost...what in the world??
  13. Branderella

    She changed her ways....

    For a month and a half now my hen has laid in the same box...a couple days ago she switched to the other box and now only lays in that one...why?
  14. Branderella

    Egg Watch

    they free range a couple hours a week. It is 2 cups for all four together. They take forever to eat they areent starving I think...
  15. Branderella

    Egg Watch

    I feed my four (RIR,SLW,EE,GSL) a little over 2 cups of layer everyday. They also get some veggies just about everyday..Is that ok?
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