Recent content by cb-man

  1. cb-man

    Sick duckie

    Yes round worm not ring worm sorry
  2. cb-man

    Sick duckie

    Well we got the final report back. Their conclusion was they found a lesion on the brain and with the symptoms leading up to death they concluded all symptoms and findings during necropsy where signs of ring worms possibly from raccoons. We cleaned out the old chicken coop and our best guess...
  3. cb-man

    Sick duckie

    Well we got the paper work in the mail but it's all medical jumbo I can't understand. But it was from their initial findings. So it just lists everything they found. Bile fluids and what not. Still no exact cause of death. They said they will send out a final report after tissue and other samples
  4. cb-man

    Sick duckie

    Well MSU got back with us. They said they have found nothing that would cause neuro problems like that so far. Only protein deficiency that was probably caused by a few days of not eating. They are going to continue sampling the tissues.
  5. cb-man

    Sick duckie

    The rest of the ducks are doing great. Watching very closely now for any signs of weakness or acting sick. They were out this morning while cleaning and changing water and food. The ran behind me to the water faucet. Then played around their pool while I walked back to the coop. I went in to...
  6. cb-man

    Sick duckie

    We can call in a few days to get the info and they will mail out the results as well
  7. cb-man

    Sick duckie

    Thank you so much everyone for all the help and support. I am glad I found this place. Wished I would have found it sooner. Miss Lydia is right.... Not to be mean blackberry H but I was pretty excited to hear from you when you listed off all your achievements as I am pretty new at raising ducks...
  8. cb-man

    Sick duckie

    He made it through another night. He is still the same. His sling is keeping him upright and not tensing up or seizing and laying on his side or back. Gave amoxicillin this morning. Trying to give about 30cc of vitamin electrolyte water every hour. Keeping him warm. He just had a bowl...
  9. cb-man

    Sick duckie

    His head isn't up but moving. Either stretch out forward laying down or resting on his body. His mouth is opening and closing none stop. I'm guessing because of neuro issues. Will he be ok in the sling all night?
  10. cb-man

    Sick duckie

    Blackberry Hill: answers to your questions. He is not currently eating. Put his bill in food and nothing. He seams to be trying to drink when I hold water up to him but he is not throwing his head back to swallow like normal. He was eating and drinking on Wednesday night for sure. He is eating...
  11. cb-man

    Sick duckie

    I really do appreciate the help haunted. I'm not changing anything at the moment. I am welcoming all info here. I used to work at a vet clinic so the charcoal make sense to me. The turmeric kinda worried me. I would like to get him eating again. I know the vet said botulism but there are so many...
  12. cb-man

    Sick duckie

    Timeline: Last Friday noticed he was slower than the others. Waddling back and forth when he walked more than other ducks and laid down when they stopped and rest stood Saturday: same thing noticed in pool he leaned to one side and couldn't stand up in water can't preen or flap wings. Sunday...
  13. cb-man

    Sick duckie

    Thank you! So should I be keeping him warm with a lamp? And we had our first good poop! Black watery and little tannish green
  14. cb-man

    Sick duckie

    Blackberry hill, thank you so much for the info. I am just assuming botulism. The vet did not take any blood. He is about the same as yesterday. Maybe not throwing himself around so much. I made a sling for him because when his feet touch something he seizes stiffens and rolls onto his side or...
  15. cb-man

    Sick duckie

    My girlfriend said she could get some bactrim antibiotic. Not sure what that is.
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